

RECIPE OF THE WEEK: Lemon Coconut Squares

I was having a hankering for coconut...I wanted something that was low maintenance, but also without the "guilt"...I was perusing around for ideas, when I remembered my dear friend Rochelle Hanson made some lovely coconut squares...Please check out her blog: Simply Natural Ideas for more lovely coconut recipes and nice treat ideas...and ask her for a free copy of her new e-book, "Breaking Cravings." 

As you can see, I changed her recipe quite a's how that came about. First, I made one batch of her coconut squares...and being the foodie that I am...while I was eating them, I thought..."hhhmm...wonder how this would taste with some lemon?"...and I went into the Veg Lab and here's what I came up with...

  • 1 1/2 cups raw organic coconut shavings
  • 2 tbsp coconut manna
  • 1/3 cup raw organic honey or raw blue agave
  • 1/4 cup tahini paste
  • 2 lemons (juiced)
  • 2 tsp non-alcoholic organic vanilla extract
  • 1 tbsp raw organic coconut flour

In your Vitamix, blend everything EXCEPT the coconut shavings...blend only your wet ingredients. 

Put your coconut shavings in a bowl, mix well with your wet ingredients. Once it's all mixed together well...put it in your serving dish. Pat it down flat and evenly. Put a little more coconut shavings on top and pat it down firmly. Let it set in the fridge for an hour or two...and cut it and serve it.

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Bee Movie A Moment of Clarity
Benefits of Coconut Oil
8 Ancient Superfoods

PLEASE NOTE! This site (including but not limited to: all food, hair and skin care recipes; tips; tutorials; writings; and, downloads) are absolutely free to the public! Because it's free, I ask one simple favor in return, as your token of appreciation for my humanitarian effort...I realize you may want to share and maybe even use Veg Vivaciously's content in your business (including but not limited to: blog(s), e-zine(s), website(s), free publication(s), etc). You can, as long as you (1) do not charge a fee; (2) cite the direct link of the Veg Vivaciously content used; and, (3) include the verbiage below with the Veg Vivaciously content used:
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This content was originally from Veg Vivaciously, a website that teaches healthier alternatives one veggie at a time. You can get your FREE (food, hair and skin care) recipes, tutorials and other writings and tips directly at PLUS you can stay connected and join the Veg Vivaciously community on Facebook, Twitter and/or even download the Veg Vivaciously Toolbar and/or Phone App to stay in the know!
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  • Nuts of your choice just be sure to presoak them.
  • 4 Medjool Dates (pre-soaked in 1 cup of water for 6 hours)
  • 1 tbsp raw blue agave or raw honey
  • 1-2 tbsp of mesquite powder
  • Juice of one lemon
  • dash of non-alcoholic vanilla extract
With the exception of the nuts, put everything in your Vitamix blender and blend. Also put that water that you soaked the dates in the Vitamix too. Mix on high until its smooth and creamy. Set it to the side. This is your Raw Vegan Caramel...go ahead taste it...I know you're dying to.

Drain and rinse your nuts. 

Now put your nuts in a big bowl, pour your caramel mix over your nuts. Toss the nuts with your hands to make sure caramel gets over them all. Then let it sit for at least an hour...and try NOT to eat them all! The purpose of letting it sit is to make sure the nuts are infused with the caramel.

Then place them on the dehydrator. Dehydrate them until they are completely dry. I dehydrate mine for about 36 hours. You'll notice they dried in large clumpy pieces. This is why this is called Nut-O-La...Its a nut version of granola...Enjoy!

TIPS: Try mixing it with dried fruit, having it over yogurt, or if you're like me...just eat it as is.

PLEASE NOTE! This site (including but not limited to: all food, hair and skin care recipes; tips; tutorials; writings; and, downloads) are absolutely free to the public! Because it's free, I ask one simple favor in return, as your token of appreciation for my humanitarian effort...I realize you may want to share and maybe even use Veg Vivaciously's content in your business (including but not limited to: blog(s), e-zine(s), website(s), free publication(s), etc). You can, as long as you (1) do not charge a fee; (2) cite the direct link of the Veg Vivaciously content used; and, (3) include the verbiage below with the Veg Vivaciously content used:
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This content was originally from Veg Vivaciously, a website that teaches healthier alternatives one veggie at a time. You can get your FREE (food, hair and skin care) recipes, tutorials and other writings and tips directly at PLUS you can stay connected and join the Veg Vivaciously community on Facebook, Twitter and/or even download the Veg Vivaciously Toolbar and/or Phone App to stay in the know!
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RECIPE OF THE WEEK: Coconut Macaroon Icecream

Coconut Macaroon Ice Cream

  • 1 cup raw cashews (pre-soaked)
  • 1 cup coconut milk
  • ½ cup water
  • 1/3 cup raw blue agave
  • ¼ tsp himilayan salt
  • 1/3 cup raisins
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tsp coconut manna
  • 2 tsp non-alcoholic organic almond extract
  • 1/2 cup coconut shavings


With the exception of the coconut shavings, put all of the above listed ingredients into the Vitamix. Blend on high. Put into your storage container. Fold in the coconut shavings. Put in the freezer. 

After an hour or two, stir the ice cream. Place back into freezer and allow it to freeze completely.

When the ice cream is ready, scoop some out and...Enjoy!

PLEASE NOTE! This site (including but not limited to: all food, hair and skin care recipes; tips; tutorials; writings; and, downloads) are absolutely free to the public! Because it's free, I ask one simple favor in return, as your token of appreciation for my humanitarian effort...I realize you may want to share and maybe even use Veg Vivaciously's content in your business (including but not limited to: blog(s), e-zine(s), website(s), free publication(s), etc). You can, as long as you (1) do not charge a fee; (2) cite the direct link of the Veg Vivaciously content used; and, (3) include the verbiage below with the Veg Vivaciously content used:
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This content was originally from Veg Vivaciously, a website that teaches healthier alternatives one veggie at a time. You can get your FREE (food, hair and skin care) recipes, tutorials and other writings and tips directly at PLUS you can stay connected and join the Veg Vivaciously community on Facebook, Twitter and/or even download the Veg Vivaciously Toolbar and/or Phone App to stay in the know!
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RECIPE OF THE WEEK: Blueberry Yogurt

  • ½ cup raw cashews (pre-soaked)
  • ½ cup coconut milk
  • ¼ cup water
  • 2 tbsp raw blue agave
  • 2 tsp coconut oil
  • 1 cup blueberries
  • 1 lemon (peeled)

Put all of the above-listed ingredients into the Vitamix, blend on high. Pour into your storage container. Try not to eat it all in one sitting! *smile*

You can refrigerate this for a nice breakfast yogurt, or freeze it for a nice yogurt dessert. 

Related Posts:
Juices and Smoothies
Raw Vegan Desserts
Raw Vegan Food

PLEASE NOTE! This site (including but not limited to: all food, hair and skin care recipes; tips; tutorials; writings; and, downloads) are absolutely free to the public! Because it's free, I ask one simple favor in return, as your token of appreciation for my humanitarian effort...I realize you may want to share and maybe even use Veg Vivaciously's content in your business (including but not limited to: blog(s), e-zine(s), website(s), free publication(s), etc). You can, as long as you (1) do not charge a fee; (2) cite the direct link of the Veg Vivaciously content used; and, (3) include the verbiage below with the Veg Vivaciously content used:
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This content was originally from Veg Vivaciously, a website that teaches healthier alternatives one veggie at a time. You can get your FREE (food, hair and skin care) recipes, tutorials and other writings and tips directly at PLUS you can stay connected and join the Veg Vivaciously community on Facebook, Twitter and/or even download the Veg Vivaciously Toolbar and/or Phone App to stay in the know!
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RECIPE OF THE WEEK: Raw Vegan "Nope It's NOT Butter" Pecan Icecream

2 scoops of Raw Vegan "Nope It's NOT Butter" Pecan Icecream!
  • 1 cup raw cashews (pre-soaked)
  • 1 cup coconut milk
  • ½ cup water
  • 1/3 cup raw blue agave
  • ¼ tsp himilayan salt
  • 3/4 cup raisins
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tsp non-alcoholic organic vanilla extract
  • 1 cup raw pecans (pre-soaked and dried/dehydrated)
With the exception of the raw pecans, put all of the above-listed ingredients into your Vitamix. Blend on low slowly turning the dial to high…blend until smooth and creamy…but a bit liquidy. Stop your blender and pour a little into your container. 

Put some of the chopped pecans in with your icecream mix, stirring until its saturated with pecans throughout. Add more icecream mix and add more pecans on top … again stir and make sure your pecans are thoroughly through. Continue this process until your container is either full or the pecans are all gone. You don’t have to mix your pecans and icecream this way, I just do it this way because I literally like every spoonful to have some pecans in it. More is more with me! *smile*

Put it in your freezer. About an hour into freezing, take the icecream out and stir it. Try not to eat it all! I know you're tasting it! I sure did! Put it back into the freezer to completely freeze. In a few hours it should be frozen and ready!
The Icecream half frozen, just finished stirring mid-way through
Now go ahead...scoop some out and try it! You won't believe how good this tastes!
Frozen Icecream...still soft and scoopable!
PLEASE NOTE! This site (including but not limited to: all food, hair and skin care recipes; tips; tutorials; writings; and, downloads) are absolutely free to the public! Because it's free, I ask one simple favor in return, as your token of appreciation for my humanitarian effort...I realize you may want to share and maybe even use Veg Vivaciously's content in your business (including but not limited to: blog(s), e-zine(s), website(s), free publication(s), etc). You can, as long as you (1) do not charge a fee; (2) cite the direct link of the Veg Vivaciously content used; and, (3) include the verbiage below with the Veg Vivaciously content used:
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This content was originally from Veg Vivaciously, a website that teaches healthier alternatives one veggie at a time. You can get your FREE (food, hair and skin care) recipes, tutorials and other writings and tips directly at PLUS you can stay connected and join the Veg Vivaciously community on Facebook, Twitter and/or even download the Veg Vivaciously Toolbar and/or Phone App to stay in the know!
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VIVACIOUS SKIN: Skin Softening Exfoliating Scrub

Bottled Exfoliating Scrub
Some time ago, I shared my recipe for hair gel, and I bet some one out there was wondering, "What could I do with the leftover flax seeds?"...well you can freeze them and put them in smoothies, breads, or other desserts, or you can use them to make my Skin Softening Exfoliating Scrub!

Here's what you'll need:

  • remainder of the flaxseeds from the gel mix (or 2-3 tbsp of flaxseeds pre-soaked at least 6 hours in one cup of water)
  • 2 heaping tbsps of Avocado/Coconut Whipped Shea Butter
  • 2 Avocado Seeds (that's right! nothing goes to waste!)
  • 2-3 tbsp of black soap
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • essential scented oils (your choice of scent)
In a your Vitamix Dry Blender, grate the avocado seeds until its a powder.
Grated Avocado Seeds
Avocado Seeds in Vitamix

Then in your Vitamix Wet Blender, put all of the above-listed ingredients, including the grated powder avocado seeds. Blend. until smooth, creamy, slightly gratey, but not harsh. Depending on your skin type you can control how rough of a scrub you need. I tend to like mine very fine to where I almost don't feel anything.

Skin Softening Exfoliating Scrub
This can be used all over you body, including your face! It's non-harmful to your skin and gently moisturizes while cleaning and exfoliating. I love that it lathers while exfoliating. It leave your skin feeling smooth, clean, soft and moisturized! After showering or bathing, dry off and seal in that moisture with some coconut oil or one of my whipped shea butter recipes.

I love this scrub and I typically make a large batch and keep it in the fridge, refilling my little 3oz bottles when necessary. Hope you all enjoy this as I did...happy exfoliating!

Related Posts:

PLEASE NOTE! This site (including but not limited to: all food, hair and skin care recipes; tips; tutorials; writings; and, downloads) are absolutely free to the public! Because it's free, I ask one simple favor in return, as your token of appreciation for my humanitarian effort...I realize you may want to share and maybe even use Veg Vivaciously's content in your business (including but not limited to: blog(s), e-zine(s), website(s), free publication(s), etc). You can, as long as you (1) do not charge a fee; (2) cite the direct link of the Veg Vivaciously content used; and, (3) include the verbiage below with the Veg Vivaciously content used:
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This content was originally from Veg Vivaciously, a website that teaches healthier alternatives one veggie at a time. You can get your FREE (food, hair and skin care) recipes, tutorials and other writings and tips directly at PLUS you can stay connected and join the Veg Vivaciously community on Facebook, Twitter and/or even download the Veg Vivaciously Toolbar and/or Phone App to stay in the know!
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RECIPE OF THE WEEK: Vegan Mac~N~Cheese

Vegan Mac and Cheese on my dinner plate!
Mac and Cheese Ingredients: 
  • 1 pack of wheat (vegan) macaroni pasta
  • 2 ½ packs of Daiya Vegan Cheddar Cheese
  • 1 pack of Daiya Vegan Mozzarella Cheese
  • 1 stick of earth balance (vegan butter)
  • ½ cup non-dairy milk(I used coconut-don't worry you don't taste it)
  • 1 tbsp celtic sea salt
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 1 tsp garlic powder 
Cheese Sauce Ingredients:
  • ½ pack of Daiya Vegan Cheddar Cheese
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 ½ tbsp. mustard seed (finely ground)
  • ½ tsp turmeric
  • 1 tsp celtic sea salt
  • ½ tsp pepper
  • 1 tbsp onion powder
  • 1 tbsp garlic powder
  • 1½ tbsp apple cider vinegar 

Making the Mac and Cheese
Pasta Boiling
  • Boil your pasta (as directed). 
  • Drain and rinse. 
  • Put your earth balance vegan butter in the pot, melt the butter...
    • add ¼ cup water (stir)
    • add your pasta
    • your seasonings and fold in your vegan cheeses. Be sure to fold the cheese in evenly so it won’t clump and stick. This is Vegan cheese but it behaves like “real” cheese. *smile* 

Making the Cheese Sauce
In a separate sauce pan...
  • put all of your contents for the cheese sauce. 
  • Stirring consistently until the cheese melts. It’s going to look more liquidy than cheesy, that’s ok, this is just to keep your mac and cheese from being dry. Nothing worse than dry mac and cheese. Trust me on this…you don’t want to skip this step. 
Putting It All Together

The full pan of Vegan Mac and Cheese
Here's the process...
  • Put your cheesy pasta in your bake dish. 
  • Spread it evenly. 
  • Pour the cheese sauce over it and let is sit until it soaks all the way through. You might have to lightly toss it to help the sauce move throughout.
  • I also put a lil more salt and pepper sprinkled on top...

  • Sprinkle ½ pack of the Daiya Vegan Cheddar Cheese on top. 

Bake for 20-30 mins.  And serve with dinner.
Vegan Mac & Cheese, MeatLessloaf and Cabbage w/Carrots and Kale (click image for meatlessloaf recipe)

I fed a few meat-a-tarians this meal and they all loved it. I was told by several the mac and cheese and the meatlessloaf tasted "real". *smile* I secretly love feeding non-vegan people...because when they see how good food tastes, they forget that they are eating all plant based foods. One person asked me what was in the meatLESSloaf and when I told her, she said..."so basically I'm eating vegetables shaped like meatloaf"...*smile* what a chuckle we had...

Hope you all enjoy this as much as my guest(s) and I did...let me know what you serve it with! Did you mix it up as I did...raw with a lil cooked or did you cook it all? Please share!

Related Posts:

PLEASE NOTE! This site (including but not limited to: all food, hair and skin care recipes; tips; tutorials; writings; and, downloads) are absolutely free to the public! Because it's free, I ask one simple favor in return, as your token of appreciation for my humanitarian effort...I realize you may want to share and maybe even use Veg Vivaciously's content in your business (including but not limited to: blog(s), e-zine(s), website(s), free publication(s), etc). You can, as long as you (1) do not charge a fee; (2) cite the direct link of the Veg Vivaciously content used; and, (3) include the verbiage below with the Veg Vivaciously content used:
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This content was originally from Veg Vivaciously, a website that teaches healthier alternatives one veggie at a time. You can get your FREE (food, hair and skin care) recipes, tutorials and other writings and tips directly at PLUS you can stay connected and join the Veg Vivaciously community on Facebook, Twitter and/or even download the Veg Vivaciously Toolbar and/or Phone App to stay in the know!
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DID YOU KNOW: Transitioning Tips For a Healthy You

So you're thinking about having a plant based diet? Or maybe you're just trying to implement a few positive and healthy eating habits...whatever your reason, you've already completed step one by realizing that changes need to be made. I wish I could write you a fool proof step by step process that tells you "If you do this...your transition will be smooth" but can I just be frank? Every person is different so the transitioning for each person WILL BE different. There is no fool proof step by step process that you can do and it will make everything easy. It will get trying. It will get overly-burdensome. It will get emotional. There may even be times that you fall off. Furthermore, there may be times you want to give up. I'll be further frank in saying that this IS probably one of the most life impacting decisions one can possibly make (This comment will make more sense to you later.) While I realize I can't tell you EXACTLY how to transition, I can share how I transitioned into a plant-based lifestyle and hopefully that will help you navigate you to a healthier you.

Eating Style. I had to sit down and figure out my eating style. I quickly learned that I didn't "eat" as much as I thought. I learned that I needed to do something to fill in those gaps for the time frames I wasn't actually eating. By not eating a lot, I realize my metabolism was in jeopardy and needed a rejuvenation. So here's what I did...Instead of trying to completely change who I was. I simply learned to accept who I was. Then I implemented positive changes into my lifestyle. By doing this, it really made the transitioning easier. It also didn't become overly-cumbersome or like a "chore" to make these positive transitions, because I was simply going with what was already my style. I started out by drinking homemade smoothies and juices for breakfast. I've never been a "breakfast" person. I typically started my day out with water or tea. This needed to change. I also learned that I snacked a lot, and admittedly, my snacks were not always an apple or an orange. So I knew something had to be done about that too.

Healthy Snacks, Desserts, Etc. While I don't eat a lot. I am a "grazer" meaning: I can snack a little bit all day. So I quickly learned instead of grabbing candy, cakes, cookies or a bag of chips, that maybe I should make healthier choices and try dried fruit, raw trailmixes, raw vegan desserts, crackers and snacks and keep them on hand so that if I felt the urge for a snack or "junk" food, at least it will be all healthy options that was still feeding my body full of essential vitamins and nutrients and not sugars, preservatives and saturated fats.

Healthier Meals. I love "comfort" foods. I grew up eating "real" food...SOUL food. I didn't grow up eating salad as a meal. I grew up having a little salad on the side. So I've never been much for salads. This being the case, what made me think I would start being a salad person now? Upon realizing this, I knew that I needed to learn how to cook healthier. By cooking healthier, it made me want to learn to UN-cook healthier. When I learned how to UN-cook, I realized I could still have pasta, cookies, cakes, icecream and everything else I loved to eat and it didn't have to be loaded with fat, antiobiotics, steroids, disease and/or have all of the nutritional value taken from it. When I learned that I could mimic the taste to be the SAME as the foods I grew up on and quite often better tasting, it just made me want to do it more. I mean why not? I'm getting more nutrients and it actually tastes more flavorful.

Embrace Uniqueness. I have no one in my personal (close) inner circle that eats as I do. To my friends and family, I am "extreme".  And here it is to my associates that eat like this...I'm very NON-extreme. *smile* Don't get me wrong, I have the support from friends and family, and the support has grown little by little over time. But aside from quickly realizing I probably needed to change some of my social habits (dining out, etc), I also learned to take something for ME to eat even when I visit friends. When invited to potlucks, I typically take more than one dish. This not only introduces people to my lifestyle, but also help them to realize that I do eat more than salads and apples...Not to mention the food is good. So Yes, you eat  "differently"...and there's absolutely nothing wrong with being different. We were all uniquely designed to be different. Embrace your uniqueness.

Open-Minded. You'll quickly learn as you move closer into transitioning into a healthier lifestyle, that there is so much to learn, as I did.  I wasn't afraid to experiment in the kitchen. If I tried a dish and it's wasn't quite suited for my taste buds, I would think about how I could improve it and then just did it! I branched out and spent time in different cultures learning a little bit from everyone about things to eat, that I might like. I also spent a lot of time doing a lot of research and reading. Needless to say, this brought me into meeting and befriending new people. This wasn't a bad thing. I mean, I had a new lifestyle, it seemed only befitting that I eventually started to be around a few people that ate like me, since majority of my friends and family do not. Be open to change, new people and trying all sorts of new things. You just never know where it can take you.

I hope these 5 tips have been somewhat helpful to you. I realize this isn't a complete roadmap for success. I also realize I left somethings out. But feel free to fill in the gaps...what things have helped you along the way? What changes have you made that's been so positive that now you want it applied into your life-long health practices? Do share? I'd love to hear from you.  

PLEASE NOTE! This site (including but not limited to: all food, hair and skin care recipes; tips; tutorials; writings; and, downloads) are absolutely free to the public! Because it's free, I ask one simple favor in return, as your token of appreciation for my humanitarian effort...I realize you may want to share and maybe even use Veg Vivaciously's content in your business (including but not limited to: blog(s), e-zine(s), website(s), free publication(s), etc). You can, as long as you (1) do not charge a fee; (2) cite the direct link of the Veg Vivaciously content used; and, (3) include the verbiage below with the Veg Vivaciously content used:
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This content was originally from Veg Vivaciously, a website that teaches healthier alternatives one veggie at a time. You can get your FREE (food, hair and skin care) recipes, tutorials and other writings and tips directly at PLUS you can stay connected and join the Veg Vivaciously community on Facebook, Twitter and/or even download the Veg Vivaciously Toolbar and/or Phone App to stay in the know!
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RECIPE OF THE WEEK: MeatLESSloaf and Creamy Garlic & Herb Mashed UN-Potatoes (a raw vegan meal)

MeatLESSloaf and Creamy Garlic & Herbed Mashed UN-Potatoes

Every once in a while, I get a hankering for meatloaf and mashed potatoes. So I thought I'd share this dish. While its a raw vegan meal...its an excellent substitute. I'll start with the meatLESSloaf first...

  • ¼ cup raw organic sunflower seeds (pre-soaked)
  • 1-cup raw organic pumpkin seeds (pre-soaked)
  • 2 cups tightly packed raw organic mustard greens
  • 3 raw organic carrots
  • 2 zucchinis
  • 1 raw organic onion
  • 1 ½ raw organic bell peppers
  • 1 pint diced organic portabella mushrooms
  • ¼ cup avocado oil (or an omega 3 oil of your choice)
  • 1 cup flax meal or ½ cup flax seeds (grind your seeds into meal)
  • 1 1/2-cup tomato sauce-RECIPE HERE
  • 1 garlic clove
  • ½ cup nutritional yeast
  • 2 tsp. celtic sea salt
  • 1 tbsp. curry powder
  • 1 tbsp. black pepper
  • 2 tbsp. cumin
  • 2 tbsp. hemp powder
PLEASE NOTE: This meatLESSloaf recipe is very spicy from the mustard greens. If you don't like spice, I'd suggest substituting for kale, collards or spinach.

Drain and rinse your seeds. In your food processor, grind and finely chop your seeds until it looks like a wet meal substance. Put in a bowl.

Finely chop and/or grind your mustard greens, carrots, onions, mushrooms, garlic and bell pepper. I like for these things to be so fine that it’s barely noticeable. Put in the bowl with the finely chopped nuts.

Add your flax meal and seasonings folding it in so that it’s thoroughly seasoned.

Add your tomato sauce and your oil. Again fold it in so that it’s thoroughly seasoned. Now get right in there with your hands and mesh it all together so that it’s properly seasoned throughout.
MeatLESSloaf balls setting in the refrigerator
Form into balls and let it sit in the refrigerator for about an hour or two. This helps to form the “meat-like” consistency while also enhancing the flavor of your meatless loaf. (see picture above)
MeatLESSloaf Pre-dehydrator
Take them out of the refrigerator. Now form them in the shape of your choice. Since I’m doing Meatless Loaf, I’m shaping mine in the form of little loaves. (see picture above)

Put on the dehydrator and dehydrate. 

Put a little tomato sauce on top. This really helps to give it the “meatloaf” effect. Let it dehydrate for another 30 minutes to an hour. 

And you have meatLESSloaf...
MeatLESSloaf is ready (this one is not finely ground)!
MeatLESSloaf close up...with finely grinded ingredients...

Now on to the mashed UN-potatoes...I won't lie to you and say it tastes "just like mashed potatoes" a real potato connoisseur, I will say it does NOT taste just like mashed potatoes. It is however, a great substitute for those times you don't want the heavy carbs. And its as close as you're going to come to the real thing. Enjoy!


  • 1 raw organic cauliflower head
  • 2 tsp celtic sea salt
  • 2 tbsp avocado oil
  • 1 tbsp of fresh dill
  • 1 tsp fresh cilantro
  • 1 tsp black pepper
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 2 tsp of parsley
  • 1 tbsp of dried onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • ¼ - ½ cup of water
PLEASE NOTE: If you're making this for a romantic dinner, you might want to only add 1 garlic clove.
Put your water and cauliflower in your Vitamix blender. If your cauliflower head was as big as mine was, you may have to blend it down a bit before adding all the cauliflower and seasonings. Once that’s done, add your oil and seasonings. Blend some more while stirring and mashing down with your tamper. When your cauliflower takes on the consistency of mashed potatoes, its ready!

Put it in a bowl and serve!
The finished Mashed UN-Potatos

Pssst...I bet you thought that was it...but I'm sure you saw the little meatLESSballs on the dehydrator...that is for Spaghetti and MeatLESSballs, I plan on having after this is gone...let them dehydrate a little longer until they are hard. Then let them marinade a few hours in marinara sauce. See picture below.


PLEASE NOTE! This site (including but not limited to: all food, hair and skin care recipes; tips; tutorials; writings; and, downloads) are absolutely free to the public! Because it's free, I ask one simple favor in return, as your token of appreciation for my humanitarian effort...I realize you may want to share and maybe even use Veg Vivaciously's content in your business (including but not limited to: blog(s), e-zine(s), website(s), free publication(s), etc). You can, as long as you (1) do not charge a fee; (2) cite the direct link of the Veg Vivaciously content used; and, (3) include the verbiage below with the Veg Vivaciously content used:
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This content was originally from Veg Vivaciously, a website that teaches healthier alternatives one veggie at a time. You can get your FREE (food, hair and skin care) recipes, tutorials and other writings and tips directly at PLUS you can stay connected and join the Veg Vivaciously community on Facebook, Twitter and/or even download the Veg Vivaciously Toolbar and/or Phone App to stay in the know!
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