
How Do I Get Started With Raw Foods?

This article is dedicated to those of you who are eager to become Raw, but really don't know where to start. So in this article, I am literally sharing how I do things. I'm even showing you pictures inside of my fridge! When I first turned raw, I realized quickly that I needed to turn my kitchen into a raw kitchen. The first step in doing so, was getting rid of processed food and figuring out how to store raw foods. I found that glass storage containers like these have been a life saver. I store my nuts and dried goods like raisins, dates, chia seeds, flax seeds, shredded coconut, coconut flour, etc... in containers like these.

as you can see, its time for me to re-stock some things....

Listed below are some of the things I keep in my house at all times (this isn't a list of everything, but these are the basics): 
  • Flax seeds: These little seeds can be essential for smoothies and even making breads and cakes! Yes, that's right bread! Life doesn't stop because you're eating begins.
  • Chia seeds: These little seeds, while are protein packed, are also essential for "egg replacing". I use these often when un-baking to make things like cookies, crackers and cakes. In the raw food world, these little seeds are gifts from God.
  • Raw Nuts: Nuts of all kinds, I use them all (i.e., walnuts, cashews, pecans, almonds, etc.) I use them from making nut milk, to using the pulp from the nut milk, to making veggie burgers and other mock meats, down to making cheese! That's right cheese! Using nuts to make cheese to mimic any cheese taste you want.
  • Raw Seeds: Seeds of all kinds (i.e., sunflower, pumpkin, etc). I'll show you how to use these to make pate's, crackers and various other things.
  • Herbs & Seasonings: Now obviously you have to know that seasonings are probably the most important thing to have. Some key seasonings I keep around are: curry, basil, celtic sea salt, himilayan sea salt, black pepper, cayenne pepper, onion flakes, parsely, oregano, turmeric, marjoram, braggs liquid aminos, non alcoholic almond, lemon and vanilla extract (or vanilla  powder or vanilla bean).
  • Shredded Coconut: I'll show you quite a few things you can do with shredded coconut. I keep this on hand as a staple.
  • Juice Pulp: That's right nothing goes to waste! I'll show you how to make some pretty creative and awesome burgers by using the pulp from your juices and nut milks as a base! So those of you who juice every morning, start saving that pulp now!
  • Nutritional Yeast: This little powder can help enhance the taste of cheese, to even being your daily dose of a little vitamin B-12. 
  • Raw Blue Agave: Get out of the mindset of using sugar! There is a plant based alternative that's just as sweet and is low GI, so this is great for a diabetic to use! 
  • Raw Organic Honey: This sweetens and its medicinal! 
  • Coconut Oil: Consider a plant based oil, and get rid of the fatty oils that aren't good for you. Coconut oil is actually good for you and it doesn't deposit bad fat into your body. In fact, it helps you to lose weight! 
  • Flax Seed Oil: Get your omega 3's while replenishing your body with good fatty acids. 
  • Hemp Seed Oil: This oil, while from cannabis, is really good for your health...and it's legal! There are no hallucinogens involved with this oil. With a pleasant nutty flavor, Hemp Seed Oil is ideal for use in salad dressings, mayonnaise, dips etc. It is not suitable for frying as this reduces the benefits. (Hemp seeds have the same nutritional effect as hemp seed oil).
Now of course this doesn't complete the grocery list by any means, and the foods I'll make will cause for actual fruits and/or veggies too. I usually buy these in bulk and freeze them so that I always have them on hand for smoothies or other meals as necessary. Take a walk through my refrigerator. 

TIP: If you haven't figured it out by now, the best way to be successful at being raw, is to be organized. Don't wait until the last minute for anything, including grocery shopping. Keep somethings on hand at all times. Always remember you can store dried goods in glass containers and freeze fresh produce.

Listed below are the online stores I shop at. I compare prices between these sites and my local health food stores and get what's less expensive at the time, where applicable.

Please Note: If you can afford organic, please try to buy organic and definitely buy RAW when possible. Buying raw is essential to having a "raw food lifestyle". Its the key element, as you are to buy raw foods, because it is in its purest form. Understandably everyone cannot afford to buy organic, so buy what you can that is organic and compare prices, catch sales and rack up when there are sales, that's what I do.  

Last but certainly not least. Three more things are in my kitchen that I find I can't live without...
  • Dehydrator: A dehydrator is typically used to dry food. It's how you get dried fruit. However, I will show you how to use it to un-cook! It will be necessary, if you're interested in making any breads and crackers. I will try to always provide alternative ways to make things, but sometimes there may not be an alternative and an actual dehydrator will be necessary. I also use my dehydrator to eat "warm" food. That's right! Just cause you're eating raw, doesn't mean it has to be cold! 
  • Spirulizer: A spirulizer is a kitchen gadget that can turn veggies into pasta shapes. It's how I make my raw fettuchini alfredo and my raw spaghetti.  You should get one of these little gadgets, you won't miss pasta ever again! 
  • Vitamix: This blender is used for everything from making smoothies, to making the batter for brownies. I rarely use my food processor! I just throw everything in my vitamix and voila! It really cuts the time down that I'm in the kitchen. It minces, mixes, grates, purees, you name does it! I seriously, can't even remember what life was like before it...its just a lil piece of heaven, it is!

PLEASE NOTE! This sites content (including but not limited to: all food, hair and skin care recipes; tips; tutorials; writings; and, downloads) are absolutely free to the public! Because it's free, I ask one simple favor in return, as your token of appreciation for my humanitarian effort...I realize you may want to share and maybe even use Veg Vivaciously's content in your business(es) (including but not limited to: blog(s), e-zine(s), website(s), free publication(s), etc). You can, as long as you (1) do not charge a fee; (2) cite the direct link of the Veg Vivaciously content used; and, (3) include the verbiage below with the Veg Vivaciously content used:  

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This content was originally from Veg Vivaciously, a website that teaches healthier alternatives one veggie at a time. You can get your FREE (food, hair and skin care) recipes, tutorials and other writings and tips directly at PLUS you can stay connected and join the Veg Vivaciously community on Facebook, Twitter and/or even download the Veg Vivaciously Toolbar and/or Phone App to stay in the know!
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Copyright © 2011-2012 Veg Vivaciously All Rights Reserved.

The Ultimate Sports Drink

The Ultimate Sports Drink
  • 16oz water
  • 1 tsp wheatgrass powder
  • 1tsp MSM
  • 1tsp raw blue agave
  • 3 tiny pieces of himalayan salt
Makes 16 oz  

Put ingredients in the Vitamix Blender and blend. Yep, it's just that simple!

This is better fuel for your body than any of the popular brand sports drinks. It doesn't have all the added sugars and sweeteners. The wheatgrass cleanses the blood, while loading your body with chlorophyll, protein, vitamins and minerals, while also rejuvenating the joints. The added little pieces of himilayan salts add a little more minerals while helping to replenish the body with the salts that were lost through sweating during your work out. If you're not use to the taste of Wheatgrass, it may take a minute to get use to the flavor. After that, trust me, once you see how your body feels after taking this, you won't go back to the processed sugared sports beverages.

Some Health Benefits 

Wheatgrass: Wheatgrass juice contains most of the vitamins and minerals needed for human maintenance. It is a whole meal and a complete protein with about 30 enzymes and is approximately 70% crude chlorophyll. Wheatgrass is also an excellent source of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sulphur, cobalt, and zinc. The many detergent factors of wheatgrass juice will drain the lymph system, which carries away many toxins from body cells. When an imbalance exists--sore tendons and joints, degenerative disease, etc--there is a natural build-up of mucous in the lymph in that area. Wheatgrass juice will break down the mucous and allow it to drain. Wheatgrass is a powerful cleanser and may start an immediate reaction with toxins and mucus in the stomach and thus may cause nausea...if too much is taken. Chlorophyll will bring toxins stored away in cells or fatty tissues into the bloodstream. If you're new to wheatgrass juice, its best to start with a 1-ounce shot glass serving and work your way up. Drink on an empty stomach. Keep refrigerated and drink the same day. The starch of the wheat berry is stored energy which when converted to simpler sugars is a quick energy source. It is especially good for athletes because it is a juice and assimilated in 20 minutes. Wheatgrass picks up 92 of the 102 minerals in the soil and contains all vitamins science has isolated. Because one ounce of juice equals two pounds of produce nutritionally, it naturally shuts off the appestat in the brain. It helps in weight control. The nutritional value of wheatgrass Juice is so high that many people don't feel those "cravings" that lead to overeating. 

Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM): This white tasteless powder is great for joints. Stanley W. Jacob reported having administered MSM to over 18,000 patients with a variety of ailments; he co-authored a book promoting MSM with a variety of claims, including its supposed utility as a natural source of "biologically active sulfur," suggesting that people are deficient in such forms of sulfur in their dietary intake. There is no Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) or Daily Value established for sulphur; it is readily available in onions, garlic and cruciferous vegetables and in protein-containing foods, including nuts, seeds, milk and eggs. However, when cooking these items, the sulfur in them is gone and removed. The claims for the need for sulfur supplementation originate with Robert Herschler, a biochemist who patented "Dietary and pharmaceutical uses of methylsulfonylmethane and compositions comprising it" in 1982; he claimed that MSM was useful in stress, mucous-membrane inflammation, allergies and gastrointestinal conditions. MSM is said to help arthritis, osteoporosis and even hayfever! Some have even reported that using MSM has helped their hair and nails to grow (although no former studies or trials have been made on that). A review by S. Brien, P. Prescott, N. Bashir, H. Lewith and G. Lewith of the two small randomized controlled trials of methylsulfonylmethane in osteoarthritis knee pain relief reported significant improvement in pain outcomes in the treatment group compared to comparator treatments; however, methodological issues and concerns over optimal dosage and treatment period were highlighted." The two trials included 168 people, of whom 52 received the drug. The review authors are careful to state: "No definitive conclusion can currently be drawn" and there is no "definitive evidence that MSM is superior to placebo in the treatment of mild to moderate osteoarthritis of the knee".  While one of the two studies suggests that taking MSM for 12 weeks or less may be safe, "further research is needed to assess its safety for long-term use." Side effects of MSM ingestion include stomach upset, diarrhea and headache (although I have used MSM sparingly for over 3 years and have not had any of these side effects). In the absence of studies into dosage, longer-term safety and definitive efficacy trials, MSM must be considered experimental and should not be self-administered or prescribed outside clinical trials. After several reports that MSM helped arthritis in animal models, one study by P.R. Usha et al. had suggested that 1.5 g per day MSM (alone or in combination with glucosamine sulfate) was helpful in relieving symptoms of knee osteoarthritis. Kim et al. conducted a second clinical trial of MSM for treatment of patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. Twenty-five patients took 6 g/day MSM and 25 patients took a placebo for 12 weeks. Ten patients did not complete the study, and intention to treat analysis was performed. Patients who took MSM reported reduced pain and improved physical function, but no evidence was found of a more general anti-inflammatory effect; there were no significant changes in two measures of systemic inflammation: C-reactive protein level and erythrocyte sedimentation rate. 

Raw Blue Agave: According to Dr Ray Sahelian, bestselling author of, Mind Boosters and The Stevia Cookbook, there are several hundred species of the agave plant. Agave has been cultivated for centuries, first by the Native American population and then in Europe, when agave plants were brought back by the Spaniards and Portugese in the 17th century. Agave contains saponins and fructans. According to Dr. Sahelian, saponins, which are found on quinoa and many plant roots, including ginseng, have anti-inflammatory and immune system-boosting properties, including antimicrobial capability. In fact, the Aztecs used agave syrup to treat wounds because of its antibacterial properties. Inulin is a type of fructan or fiber that has many health benefits. Studies suggest that inulin can be effective in weight loss because of its low impact on blood sugar (that's right! this is a great sugar substitute for those with diabetes) and its ability to increase satiety and decrease appetite. Inulin is also associated with lowering cholesterol, reducing the risk of certain cancers, and increasing the absorption of nutrients, such as isoflavones, calcium and magnesium. In addition, Dr Sahelian says fructans are not destroyed in the stomach and may be a delivery system for drugs to treat colon diseases such as ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn's disease.

Himalayan Salt: Contrary to popular belief, salt is not your enemy, it is your friend. Salt is not only critical to your life, but it is one of the basic elements of which your body is made. Like true lovers, the relationship between salt and your health is so intricately involved as to make them impossible to be disentangled or untied. Without salt, you could not exist for a moment. If your body lacks the proper amount of salt it could result in fatigue and/or dehydration. Essentially, every cell in the human body is dependent on the presence of sodium. We find sodium diffused throughout the fluid between cells. Each cell in our body is like a small ocean containing salty water. Inside our cells we find primarily potassium. These two minerals, sodium and potassium need to be in constant, dynamic balance so the cells can exchange incoming energy with outgoing, depleted energy. Your body is constantly monitoring these minerals and working to maintain their delicate balance. In addition, a study conducted at the University of Graz in Austria found that people who drank water containing Himalayan crystal salt daily experienced improvement in respiratory conditions, organ functions, and connective tissues. Participants also reported sleeping better and having more energy. The study noted a boost in the ability to achieve higher concentration levels. Some of the study participants stated they lost unwanted weight while others involved in the study showed enhanced hair and nail growth. Himalayan salt aids in certain disorders of the skin such as acne. It works by drawing out toxins. The toxins that are in the body as well as under the skin can be one of the causes of skin disorders such as acne.

Click here for more juice and smoothie recipes

PLEASE NOTE! This sites content (including but not limited to: all food, hair and skin care recipes; tips; tutorials; writings; and, downloads) are absolutely free to the public! Because it's free, I ask one simple favor in return, as your token of appreciation for my humanitarian effort...I realize you may want to share and maybe even use Veg Vivaciously's content in your business(es) (including but not limited to: blog(s), e-zine(s), website(s), free publication(s), etc). You can, as long as you (1) do not charge a fee; (2) cite the direct link of the Veg Vivaciously content used; and, (3) include the verbiage below with the Veg Vivaciously content used: 

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This content was originally from Veg Vivaciously, a website that teaches healthier alternatives one veggie at a time. You can get your FREE (food, hair and skin care) recipes, tutorials and other writings and tips directly at PLUS you can stay connected and join the Veg Vivaciously community on Facebook, Twitter and/or even download the Veg Vivaciously Toolbar and/or Phone App to stay in the know!
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Sweet Potato Island Smoothie

Sweet Potato Island Smoothie
  • 1 organic sweet potato (peeled)
  • 3 organic carrots (peeled)
  • 2 cups pineapple juice
  • 2 cups water
Makes 40 oz. 

Put ingredients in the Vitamix Blender and blend. Yep, it's just that simple! 

I was going to juice this, but when I put it all in the vitamix, it looked like my child hood days of a "dreamsickle" so I had to taste it...and you know what? It was fine without running it through a strainer bag...I think the idea of making a smoothie out of sweet potato is what made me consider turning this into a juice, but it really was good. But don't worry if this is too much fiber/pulp for some of you, feel free to run it through a nut milk bag and turn it into juice. 

Some Health Benefits 

Pineapple: is a fruit that contains a proteolytic enzyme bromelain that digests food by breaking down protein. Bromelain also has anti-inflammatory, anti-clotting and anti-cancer properties. Studies have shown that consumption of pineapple regularly helps fight against arthritis, indigestion and worm infestation. Fresh pineapple is an excellent source of antioxidants and vitamin C. Vitamin C is required for the collagen synthesis in the body. Collagen is the main structural protein in the body required for maintaining the integrity of blood vessels, skin, organs, and bones. Regular consumption of foods rich in vitamin C helps body protect from scurvy; develop resistance against infectious agents (boosts immunity) and scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals from the body. It also contains good amount Vitamin A (provides 58 IU per 100 g) and beta-carotene levels. These compounds are known to have antioxidant properties. Vitamin A is also required maintaining healthy mucus membranes, skin and essential for vision. Studies have suggested that consumption of natural fruits rich in flavonoids helps body to protect from lung and oral cavity cancers. In addition, this fruit is rich in B-complex group of vitamins like folates, thiamin, pyridoxine, riboflavin and minerals like copper, manganese and potassium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids, helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure. Copper is helpful cofactor for red blood cell synthesis. Manganese is a co-factor for the enzyme superoxide dismutase, which is a very powerful free radical scavenger.

Sweet Potato: Although their names are commonly used interchangeably, sweet potatoes and yams are not the same vegetable. They're not even in the same family. Sweet potatoes are native to the Americas, while yams are grown in Africa and Asia. Yams are large, starchy roots that can weigh as much as 100 lbs. Although they're smaller in size, sweet potatoes provide more nutrition than yams. One medium baked sweet potato, which is approximately five inches long and two inches in diameter, contains about 103 calories...this is probably one of the few times you will ever hear me make mention of calories, as I simply don't believe in them. It supplies a little over 2 grams of protein and has almost no fat. Its carbohydrate content is almost 24 grams, with nearly 4 grams of dietary fiber. A 1-cup serving of steamed sweet potato leaves contains approximately 22 calories and almost no fat. This serving has about 1.5 grams of protein and nearly 5 grams of carbohydrates, with a little over 1 gram of dietary fiber. Sweet potatoes are excellent sources of vitamins A and C. A medium-sized sweet potato supplies about three times your dietary reference intake (DRI) of vitamin A and approximately a third of your DRI for vitamin C. A medium-sized sweet potato also supplies about four percent of your DRI for calcium and iron. Sweet potato leaves are good sources of vitamins A, K and folate. Because boiling can leach out some of these nutrients, it’s best to use other methods to cook these leaves, including steaming them.

Carrots: Did you know the carrot is a root vegetable? It's sweet and succulent taste is  rich in anti-oxidants, vitamins and dietary fiber. They are exceptionally rich source of carotenes and vitamin-A.  Studies have found that flavonoid compounds in carrots help protect from skin, lung and oral cavity cancers. Carotenes are converted in to vitamin A in the liver. Beta-carotene is the major carotene that is present in these roots. Beta carotene is one of the powerful natural anti-oxidant helps protect body from harmful fee radical injury.  In addition, it also has all the functions of vitamin A such as vision, reproduction (sperm production), maintenance of epithelial integrity, growth and development. Carrots are rich in poly-acetylene anti-oxidant falcarinol. Research study conducted by scientists at University of Newcastle on laboratory animals has found that falcarinol in carrots may help fight against cancers by destroying pre-cancerous cells in the tumors. Fresh roots are also good in vitamin C; provide about 9% of RDA. Vitamin C is water soluble anti-oxidant. It helps body maintain healthy connective tissue, teeth and gum. Its anti-oxidant property helps body protect from diseases and cancers by scavenging harmful free radicals. This root vegetable is especially contain good amounts of many B-complex group of vitamins such as folic acid, vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), thiamin, pantothenic acid, etc that acts as co-factors to enzymes during substrate metabolism in the body. It also has healthy levels of minerals like copper, calcium, potassium, manganese and phosphorus. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure by countering effects of sodium. Manganese is used by the body as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase.

Click here for more juice and smoothie recipes
PLEASE NOTE! This sites content (including but not limited to: all food, hair and skin care recipes; tips; tutorials; writings; and, downloads) are absolutely free to the public! Because it's free, I ask one simple favor in return, as your token of appreciation for my humanitarian effort...I realize you may want to share and maybe even use Veg Vivaciously's content in your business(es) (including but not limited to: blog(s), e-zine(s), website(s), free publication(s), etc). You can, as long as you (1) do not charge a fee; (2) cite the direct link of the Veg Vivaciously content used; and, (3) include the verbiage below with the Veg Vivaciously content used: 

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This content was originally from Veg Vivaciously, a website that teaches healthier alternatives one veggie at a time. You can get your FREE (food, hair and skin care) recipes, tutorials and other writings and tips directly at PLUS you can stay connected and join the Veg Vivaciously community on Facebook, Twitter and/or even download the Veg Vivaciously Toolbar and/or Phone App to stay in the know! 
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30 Day Raw Plant Based Food Challenge

Not sure if you've heard, but I'm having another 30 Day Raw Plant Based Food Challenge! The last time, I had one was last year around May. I wasn't blogging "officially" then, but I had just launched the facebook and twitter pages, so now, I guess I am making it an annual event. *smiles*

This 30 Day Raw Plant Based Food Challenge is a challenge that is geared towards:  
  • helping to introduce those of you who are interested in the raw food lifestyle, but may not know where or how to start. 
  • those of you who think its "too much work" or a complicated thing to do, thus learning how to make complex looking dishes and meals in a simple and easy manner.
  • breaking the stigma that "eating raw means you always have to eat salads". 
  • teaching affordable yet nutritious ways to implement healthier meals into your lifestyle.
  • teaching you that you can still eat some of the same foods without compromising flavor and/or taste.
  • teaching you that you can still eat some of your favorite foods, without compromising your health. 
  • helping you to jump start a healthy eating lifestyle. 
  • helping those who are interested in shedding unwanted pounds (some have reported losing at least 15lbs when having a raw food diet). 
  • rebooting and helping to start a healthier you.
How does this work?
  • It's simple... eat nothing but raw foods for 30 days straight! No processed foods, no processed beverages. Only pure, raw and organic foods!
  • I will post a recipe each day of the 30 Day Raw Plant Based Food Challenge. Now, just so you know...It is NOT mandatory for you to make each and every recipe that I post each day.  I'm just sharing some of the recipes of the foods I'll be eating. Nevertheless, other great raw food options are available here and please feel free to google "raw food recipes" there are a lot of us raw foodies out here that love to share our recipes.
  • I will NOT post a daily regimented food schedule, nor will I tell you what to eat. I want people to choose the foods that work best for them.
  • I will write a post about some helpful food items you might want to start stocking up on now and catching sales, just in case these items are not a part of your every day use.
  • I will provide motivational tips.
  • The facebook group page will be a hub for conversations with one another, and a buddy if need be. This is a community group page and many communicate with each other on the page. So if you have a question or need help, many will be there to provide the support and guidance needed.

How much is it to participate?
  • Nothing, its absolutely FREE! (of course you buy your own food *smile*)

When does it start?
  • This event is beginning March 1, 2012 and ending March 30, 2012.

What do you need to do to sign up?
  • Simply follow me on the facebook and twitter pages and subscribe to a reader of your choice with our RSS Feed! Additional ways you can stay in the know with our FREE:
Special Note to you visual folks: I have been paying close attention to the comments on facebook, my inbox and the emails, and yes there will be SOME youtube videos showing you how I make my food. I'm a one woman be patient with me. I can't guarantee every recipe will be on video, but I will work on doing some. So subscribe to the channel now and stay tuned! 

A sneak peak into some foods you'll learn how to make... (click the images for details on the recipes)
Turtle Brownies
Nope It's NOT "Butter" Pecan Icecream!
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cheesecake


Cheesy Kale Chips
Sunflower Seed Crackers

Fettuchini Alfredo
Spinach Lasagna
Pretty exciting, right? So what are you waiting for? Sign up now!!! And be sure to spread the word! The more the merrier! Oh and by the way, if you can't commit to the full 30 days, have no worries! If you're even willing to try this for one day, I'm happy with that! For those of you who aren't ready to try this yet, subscribe anyway, you never know, you might see something you might want to try out one day! 
And for you Veteran Raw foodists, this isn't limited to newbies! Come join us, support the new folks trying this out, befriend them and help teach them about the lifestyle. 
PLEASE NOTE! This sites content (including but not limited to: all food, hair and skin care recipes; tips; tutorials; writings; and, downloads) are absolutely free to the public! Because it's free, I ask one simple favor in return, as your token of appreciation for my humanitarian effort...I realize you may want to share and maybe even use Veg Vivaciously's content in your business(es) (including but not limited to: blog(s), e-zine(s), website(s), free publication(s), etc). You can, as long as you (1) do not charge a fee; (2) cite the direct link of the Veg Vivaciously content used; and, (3) include the verbiage below with the Veg Vivaciously content used: 
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This content was originally from Veg Vivaciously, a website that teaches healthier alternatives one veggie at a time. You can get your FREE (food, hair and skin care) recipes, tutorials and other writings and tips directly at PLUS you can stay connected and join the Veg Vivaciously community on Facebook, Twitter and/or even download the Veg Vivaciously Toolbar and/or Phone App to stay in the know!
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Copyright © 2011-2012 Veg Vivaciously All Rights Reserved.

Green Chard Smoothie

Green Chard Smoothie
  • 6 large Green Chard Leaves
  • 3-4 gala apples
  • 3 celery stalks
  • 1 cup of water
Makes 40 ozs

Put ingredients in the Vitamix Blender and blend. Yep, it's just that simple!

This tastes really good. The green chard takes on a different and much lighter flavor than the red chard. I really can't describe the flavor of this. But trust me its good. So tell me, how would you describe it?

Some Health Benefits
Green Chard: Swiss chard, like spinach, is the store-house of many phytonutrients that have health promotional and disease prevention properties. Chard is recommended in cholesterol controlling and weight reduction programs. Chard leaves are an excellent source of anti-oxidant vitamin, vitamin-C. Its fresh leaves provide about 33% of recommended levels per 100 g. As an anti-oxidant, vitamin C helps to quench free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) through its reduction potential properties. Research studies suggests that regular consumption of foods rich in vitamin C helps maintain normal connective tissue, prevent iron deficiency, and also helps body develop resistance against infectious agents by boosting immunity. Chard is one of the excellent vegetable sources for vitamin-K; 100 g provides about 700% of recommended intake. Vitamin K has potential role bone health by promoting osteotrophic (bone formation and strengthening) activity. Adequate vitamin-K levels in the diet helps limiting neuronal damage in the brain; thus, has established role in the treatment of patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease. It is also rich source of omega-3 fatty acids; vitamin-A and flavonoids anti-oxidants like beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin. It is also rich in B-complex group of vitamins such as folates, niacin, vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), thiamin and pantothenic acid that are essential for optimum cellular metabolic functions. It is also rich source of minerals like copper, calcium, sodium, potassium, iron, manganese and phosphorus. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure by countering effects of sodium. Manganese is used by the body as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase. Iron is required for cellular oxidation and red blood cell formation. 
Apples: are a source of both soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber such as pectin actually helps to prevent cholesterol buildup in the lining of blood vessel walls, thus reducing the incident of atherosclerosis and heart disease. The insoluble fiber in apples provides bulk in the intestinal tract, holding water to cleanse and move food quickly through the digestive system. It is a good idea to eat apples with their skin. Almost half of the vitamin C content is just underneath the skin. Eating the skin also increases insoluble fiber content. Most of an apple's fragrance cells are also concentrated in the skin and as they ripen, the skin cells develop more aroma and flavor. Apples are rich in antioxidant phyto-nutrients, flavonoids and polyphenols. The total measured anti-oxidant strength (ORAC value) of 100g apple fruit is 5900TE. The important flavonoids in apples are quercetin, epicatechin, and procyanidin B2. Apples are also good in tartaric acid that gives tart flavor to them. These compounds help protect the body from deleterious effects of free radicals. In addition, apples are a good source of B-complex vitamins such as riboflavin, thiamin, and pyridoxine (vitamin B-6). Together these vitamins help as co-factors for enzymes in metabolism as well as in various synthetic functions inside the body. Apples also contain small amount of minerals like potassium, phosphorus, and calcium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure; thus counters the bad influences of sodium. 
Celery: Is a non-soluble fiber which when combined with other weight loss regimens may help to reduce body weight and blood cholesterol levels. Celery is a functional food. Its leaves are rich source of flavonoid antioxidants such as zeaxanthin, lutein and beta- carotene, which have anti-oxidant, cancer protective, and immune-boosting functions. It is also good source of vitamin-A. Vitamin-A and beta-carotene are natural flavonoid antioxidants. Vitamin A is also required for maintaining healthy mucus membranes and skin, and for vision. Consumption of natural foods rich in flavonoids helps body to protect from lung and oral cavity cancers. The herb is also rich in many vital vitamins including folic acid (provides 9% of RDA), riboflavin, niacin and vitamin-C, which are essential for optimum metabolism. Fresh celery is an excellent source of vitamin-K, provides about 25% of DRI. Vitamin-K help increase bone mass by promoting osteotrophic activity in the bones. It also has established role in Alzheimer's disease patients by limiting neuronal damage in the brain. The herb is very good source of minerals like potassium, sodium, calcium, manganese, and magnesium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps control heart rate and blood pressure. Its leaves and seeds contain many essential volatile oils that include terpenes, mostly limonene (75 to 80%), and the sesquiterpenes like beta-selinene (10%) and humulene; but its characteristic fragrance is due to chemical compounds known as phthalides (butylphthalid and its dihydro derivate sedanenolid) in them. Essential oil obtained from extraction of celery plant has been used in soothing remedies for nervousness, osteoarthritis, and gouty-arthritis conditions. In addition, its seeds, and root has diuretic (removes excess water from body through urine), galactogogue (help breast milk secretion), stimulant, and tonic properties.

Click here for more juice and smoothie recipes
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This content was originally from Veg Vivaciously, a website that teaches healthier alternatives one veggie at a time. You can get your FREE (food, hair and skin care) recipes, tutorials and other writings and tips directly at PLUS you can stay connected and join the Veg Vivaciously community on Facebook, Twitter and/or even download the Veg Vivaciously Toolbar and/or Phone App to stay in the know! 
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The Garden

The Garden
  • 4 cups of spinach
  • 2 cups of broccoli
  • 3 stalks of celery
  • 4 large carrots
Makes (about) 40 oz 

Juice your ingredients...and voila! You've got Juice!

No juicer? No problem! Blend in your Vitamix. Then strain through a nut milk bag or a paint strainer bag...and pour in your storage container. For detailed instructions on making juice in the blender click here.

Before you let the ingredients scare you, just try it. This juice is surprisingly good. No there's no fruit in it to sweeten it, but the carrots do the job without the need of adding any other type of sweetener. Trust me, you'll enjoy this.

Some Health Benefits 

Spinach: Spinach is store house for many phyto-nutrients that have health promotional and disease prevention propertiesIt contains good amount of soluble dietary fiber; no wonder greeny spinach is one of the vegetable source recommended in cholesterol controlling and weight reduction programs! Fresh 100 g of spinach contains about 25% of daily intake of iron; one of the richest among green leafy vegetables. Iron is an important trace element required by the body for red blood cell production and as a co-factor for oxidation-reduction enzymes cytochrome-oxidases during the cellular metabolism. Fresh leaves are rich source of several vital anti-oxidant vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin C; and flavonoid poly phenolic antioxidants such as lutein, zea-xanthin and beta-carotene. Together these compounds help act as protective scavengers against oxygen-derived free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) that play a healing role in aging and various disease processes. Zea-xanthin, an important dietary carotenoid, is selectively absorbed into the retinal macula lutea in the eyes where it is thought to provide antioxidant and protective light-filtering functions; thus helps protect from "age related macular disease" (ARMD), especially in the elderly. Vitamin A is also required for maintaining healthy mucus membranes and skin and is essential for vision. Consumption of natural vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin A and flavonoids helps body protect from lung and oral cavity cancers. 100 g of Spinach provides 402% of daily vitamin-K requirements. Vitamin K plays vital role in strengthening bone mass by promoting osteotrophic (bone building) activity in the bone. It also has established role in patients with Alzheimer's disease by limiting neuronal damage in the brain. This greeny leafy vegetable also contain good amounts of many B-complex vitamins like vitamin- B6 (pyridoxine), thiamin (vitamin B-1), riboflavin, folates and niacin. Folates help prevent neural tube defects in the offspring. 100 g of farm fresh spinach has 47% of daily recommended levels of vitamin C. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant which helps body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful oxygen free radicals. The leaves also contain good amount of minerals like potassium, manganese, magnesium, copper and zinc. Potassium in an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure. Manganese and copper are used by the body as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase. Copper is required in the production of red blood cells. Zinc is a co-factor in many enzymes that regulate growth and development, sperm generation, digestion and nucleic acid synthesis. It is also rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. 

Broccoli: Is rich in dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins, and anti-oxidants that have proven health benefits. Fresh Broccoli is a storehouse of many phyto-nutrients such as thiocyanates, indoles, sulforaphae, isothiocyanates and flavonoids like beta-carotene cryptoxanthin, lutein, and zeaxanthin.  Studies have shown that these compounds by modifying positive signalling at molecular receptor levels help protect from prostate, colon, urinary bladder, pancreatic, and breast cancers. Fresh vegetable is exceptionally rich source of vitamin-C. Vitamin-C is a powerful natural anti-oxidant and immune modulator, helps fight against flu causing viruses. Further, it contains very good amounts of another anti-oxidant vitamin, vitamin-A. Together with other pro-vitamins like beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, and zeaxanthin, vitamin A helps maintain integrity of skin and mucus membranes. Vitamin A is essential for vision and helps prevent from macular degeneration of retina in the elderly population. It is also a good source of minerals like calcium, manganese, iron, magnesium, selenium, zinc and phosphorus. Fresh broccoli heads are an excellent source of folates. Studies have shown that consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits rich in folates during pre-conception and pregnancy helps prevent neural tube defects in the offspring. Broccoli leaves (green tops) are an excellent source of carotenoids and vitamin A. This flower vegetable is also rich source of other vitamin-K and B-complex group of vitamins like Niacin (vit B-3), pantothenic acid (vit.B-5), pyridoxine (vit.B-6) and riboflavin. The flower heads also have some amount omega-3 fatty acids.

Celery: Is a non-soluble fiber which when combined with other weight loss regimens may help to reduce body weight and blood cholesterol levels. Celery is a functional food. Its leaves are rich source of flavonoid antioxidants such as zeaxanthin, lutein and beta- carotene, which have anti-oxidant, cancer protective, and immune-boosting functions. It is also good source of vitamin-A. Vitamin-A and beta-carotene are natural flavonoid antioxidants. Vitamin A is also required for maintaining healthy mucus membranes and skin, and for vision. Consumption of natural foods rich in flavonoids helps body to protect from lung and oral cavity cancers. The herb is also rich in many vital vitamins including folic acid (provides 9% of RDA), riboflavin, niacin and vitamin-C, which are essential for optimum metabolism. Fresh celery is an excellent source of vitamin-K, provides about 25% of DRI. Vitamin-K help increase bone mass by promoting osteotrophic activity in the bones. It also has established role in Alzheimer's disease patients by limiting neuronal damage in the brain. The herb is very good source of minerals like potassium, sodium, calcium, manganese, and magnesium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps control heart rate and blood pressure. Its leaves and seeds contain many essential volatile oils that include terpenes, mostly limonene (75 to 80%), and the sesquiterpenes like β-selinene (10%) and humulene; but its characteristic fragrance is due to chemical compounds known as phthalides (butylphthalid and its dihydro derivate sedanenolid) in them. Essential oil obtained from extraction of celery plant has been used in soothing remedies for nervousness, osteoarthritis, and gouty-arthritis conditions. In addition, its seeds, and root has diuretic (removes excess water from body through urine), galactogogue (help breast milk secretion), stimulant, and tonic properties. 

Carrots: Did you know the carrot is a root vegetable? It's sweet and succulent taste is  rich in anti-oxidants, vitamins and dietary fiber. They are exceptionally rich source of carotenes and vitamin-A.  Studies have found that flavonoid compounds in carrots help protect from skin, lung and oral cavity cancers. Carotenes are converted in to vitamin A in the liver. Beta-carotene is the major carotene that is present in these roots. Beta carotene is one of the powerful natural anti-oxidant helps protect body from harmful fee radical injury.  In addition, it also has all the functions of vitamin A such as vision, reproduction (sperm production), maintenance of epithelial integrity, growth and development. Carrots are rich in poly-acetylene anti-oxidant falcarinol. Research study conducted by scientists at University of Newcastle on laboratory animals has found that falcarinol in carrots may help fight against cancers by destroying pre-cancerous cells in the tumors. Fresh roots are also good in vitamin C; provide about 9% of RDA. Vitamin C is water soluble anti-oxidant. It helps body maintain healthy connective tissue, teeth and gum. Its anti-oxidant property helps body protect from diseases and cancers by scavenging harmful free radicals. This root vegetable is especially contain good amounts of many B-complex group of vitamins such as folic acid, vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), thiamin, pantothenic acid, etc that acts as co-factors to enzymes during substrate metabolism in the body. It also has healthy levels of minerals like copper, calcium, potassium, manganese and phosphorus. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure by countering effects of sodium. Manganese is used by the body as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase.

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Root Juice 
Super Beet Juice
The Ultimate Kale Juice

PLEASE NOTE! This sites content (including but not limited to: all food, hair and skin care recipes; tips; tutorials; writings; and, downloads) are absolutely free to the public! Because it's free, I ask one simple favor in return, as your token of appreciation for my humanitarian effort...I realize you may want to share and maybe even use Veg Vivaciously's content in your business(es) (including but not limited to: blog(s), e-zine(s), website(s), free publication(s), etc). You can, as long as you (1) do not charge a fee; (2) cite the direct link of the Veg Vivaciously content used; and, (3) include the verbiage below with the Veg Vivaciously content used:

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This content was originally from Veg Vivaciously, a website that teaches healthier alternatives one veggie at a time. You can get your FREE (food, hair and skin care) recipes, tutorials and other writings and tips directly at PLUS you can stay connected and join the Veg Vivaciously community on Facebook, Twitter and/or even download the Veg Vivaciously Toolbar and/or Phone App to stay in the know! 
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Flowing Herb Juice

Flowing Herb Juice
  • 2 cups parsely
  • 1 lg cucumber
  • 2 gala apples
  • 1 cup water (for blender use only)
Makes (about) 32-35 oz

Juice your ingredients...and voila! You've got Juice!

No juicer? No problem! Blend in your Vitamix. Then strain through a nut milk bag or a paint strainer bag...and pour in your storage container. For detailed instructions on making juice in the blender click here.

This juice is surprisingly refreshing. You do taste the parsely, but its a light crisp flavor that is covered in the taste of apples...its very similar to the herbed gala apple juice. 

Some Health Benefits 

Parsley: The herb contains no cholesterol; but is rich in anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber which helps control blood cholesterol levels, prevents constipation, protects body from free radicals mediated injury and from cancers. Parsley contains many health benefiting essential volatile oils that include myristicin, limonene, eugenol, and alpha-thujene. The essential oil, Eugenol, present in this herb has been in therapeutic use in dentistry as a local anesthetic and anti-septic agent for teeth and gum diseases. Eugenol has also been found to reduce blood sugar levels in diabetics, however, further detailed studies required to establish its role. Parsley is rich in poly-phenolic flavonoid anti-oxidants including apiin, apigenin, crisoeriol, and luteolin; and has been rated as one of the plant source with highest anti-oxidant activities. The herb is a good source of minerals like potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, and magnesium. Potassium in an important component of cell and body fluids that helps control heart rate and blood pressure by countering the effects of sodium. Iron is essential for heme production inside red blood cells. Manganese is used by the body as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase. It is also rich in many antioxidant vitamins including vitamin-A, beta-carotene, vitamin-C, vitamin-E, zea-xanthin, lutein, and cryptoxanthins. The herb is also an excellent source of vitamin-K and folates. Zea-xanthin helps prevent age related macular degeneration (ARMD) in the retina of the eye in the old age population through its anti-oxidant and ultra-violet light filtering functions. Fresh herb leaves are also rich in many essential vitamins such as pantothenic acid (vitamin B-5), riboflavin (vitamin B-2), niacin (vitamin B-3), pyridoxine (vitamin B-6) and thiamin (vitamin B-1). These vitamins are essential during carbohydrates, fat and protein metabolism by acting as co-enzymes. It is probably the richest of the entire herb source for vitamin K. Vitamin K has been found to have potential role in bone health by promoting osteotrophic activity in the bones. It has also established role in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease patients by limiting neuronal damage in the brain. 

Cucumbers: Cucumber peel is a good source of dietary fiber that helps reduce constipation, and offers some protection against colon cancers by eliminating toxic compounds from the gut. It is a very good source of potassium, an important intracellular electrolyte. Potassium is a heart friendly electrolyte; helps reduce blood pressure and heart rates by countering effects of sodium. It contains unique anti-oxidants in good ratios such as beta-carotene and alpha-carotene, vitamin-C, vitamin-A, zea-xanthin and lutein. These compounds help act as protective scavengers against oxygen-derived free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) that play a role in aging and various disease processes. Cucumbers have mild diuretic property probably due to their high water and potassium content, which helps in checking weight gain and high blood pressure. They are surprisingly have high amount of vitamin K. Vitamin-K has been found to have potential role in bone strength by promoting osteotrophic (bone mass building) activity. It also has established role in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease patients by limiting neuronal damage in their brain. 

Gala Apples:  Originating in New Zealand in 1962, the Gala apple is related to the Golden Delicious apple and grows extensively in Washington. The Gala tastes sweet and has a distinctive aroma and crisp, firm texture. The Gala apple can be yellow with red stripes to nearly solid red in color. Gala apples are high in antioxidants. Antioxidants are chemicals that prevent cell and tissue damage from free radicals in the body by preventing or reducing oxidation. Gala apples are a significant source of these damage-fighting chemicals. Based on a 2,000-calorie-per-day diet, one medium Gala apple will supply you with 8 percent of your recommended daily value of vitamin C. That same little apple will provide you with 2 percent of your daily needs of iron and vitamin A. Also contained in the Gala is 5 percent of the potassium your body needs to be healthy. The natural fiber found in Gala apples is pectin. Apples possess more pectin than any other fruit. A diet high in fiber-rich apples has been shown to reduce blood pressure and prevent colon cancer. Apples are a source of both complex and simple carbohydrates. One medium gala apple supplies 22g of carbohydrate. Fiber accounts for 5 of the 22g. Flavonoids are defensive phytochemicals found in apples. Flavonoids have been documented to have anti-viral, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor and antioxidant effects on the body. Research suggests that phytochemicals can protect against the aging process.

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PLEASE NOTE! This sites content (including but not limited to: all food, hair and skin care recipes; tips; tutorials; writings; and, downloads) are absolutely free to the public! Because it's free, I ask one simple favor in return, as your token of appreciation for my humanitarian effort...I realize you may want to share and maybe even use Veg Vivaciously's content in your business(es) (including but not limited to: blog(s), e-zine(s), website(s), free publication(s), etc). You can, as long as you (1) do not charge a fee; (2) cite the direct link of the Veg Vivaciously content used; and, (3) include the verbiage below with the Veg Vivaciously content used:

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