

RECIPE OF THE WEEK: Lemon Coconut Squares

I was having a hankering for coconut...I wanted something that was low maintenance, but also without the "guilt"...I was perusing around for ideas, when I remembered my dear friend Rochelle Hanson made some lovely coconut squares...Please check out her blog: Simply Natural Ideas for more lovely coconut recipes and nice treat ideas...and ask her for a free copy of her new e-book, "Breaking Cravings." 

As you can see, I changed her recipe quite a's how that came about. First, I made one batch of her coconut squares...and being the foodie that I am...while I was eating them, I thought..."hhhmm...wonder how this would taste with some lemon?"...and I went into the Veg Lab and here's what I came up with...

  • 1 1/2 cups raw organic coconut shavings
  • 2 tbsp coconut manna
  • 1/3 cup raw organic honey or raw blue agave
  • 1/4 cup tahini paste
  • 2 lemons (juiced)
  • 2 tsp non-alcoholic organic vanilla extract
  • 1 tbsp raw organic coconut flour

In your Vitamix, blend everything EXCEPT the coconut shavings...blend only your wet ingredients. 

Put your coconut shavings in a bowl, mix well with your wet ingredients. Once it's all mixed together well...put it in your serving dish. Pat it down flat and evenly. Put a little more coconut shavings on top and pat it down firmly. Let it set in the fridge for an hour or two...and cut it and serve it.

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