


  • Nuts of your choice just be sure to presoak them.
  • 4 Medjool Dates (pre-soaked in 1 cup of water for 6 hours)
  • 1 tbsp raw blue agave or raw honey
  • 1-2 tbsp of mesquite powder
  • Juice of one lemon
  • dash of non-alcoholic vanilla extract
With the exception of the nuts, put everything in your Vitamix blender and blend. Also put that water that you soaked the dates in the Vitamix too. Mix on high until its smooth and creamy. Set it to the side. This is your Raw Vegan Caramel...go ahead taste it...I know you're dying to.

Drain and rinse your nuts. 

Now put your nuts in a big bowl, pour your caramel mix over your nuts. Toss the nuts with your hands to make sure caramel gets over them all. Then let it sit for at least an hour...and try NOT to eat them all! The purpose of letting it sit is to make sure the nuts are infused with the caramel.

Then place them on the dehydrator. Dehydrate them until they are completely dry. I dehydrate mine for about 36 hours. You'll notice they dried in large clumpy pieces. This is why this is called Nut-O-La...Its a nut version of granola...Enjoy!

TIPS: Try mixing it with dried fruit, having it over yogurt, or if you're like me...just eat it as is.

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