

Emotional Detoxing and How to Handle It

Realizing a lot of you are doing the Juice/Smoothie Challenge for the first time, I wanted to recommend that you keep a journal. One thing that helped me a great deal was to keep my thoughts, feelings, emotions, and psychotic episodes (just kidding, but, yes it can get deep-lol) in a journal. I know some of you who keep a journal already, probably have no problem with this. But  those of you who never kept a journal or those of you who haven't kept one since you were 13, are probably thinking this is a silly idea. But here's why I suggest it...

Things will come up. By "things," I mean emotional things. No one ever tells you this. Whenever you see people doing a detox they always either say they want something to eat that they're not suppose to eat or that they feel "so amazing". Well, I'm here to tell you the harsh reality is that somewhere between those cravings and  feeling "so amazing"...You will get emotional. I'm here to tell you...NO YOU ARE NOT INSANE...well at're not if you haven't previously been told by a medical professional that you're not.

Moment of Reflection: I remember one day I was watching television and I cried like a baby...and I mean I cried while watching EVERYTHING! I'm talking about Dog 101, Cat 101, History Channel, Law and Order, paper towel commercials, and OMG...those dog gone ASPCA commercials...yeah...I was gone...until finally I had to get a hold of myself...needless to say, I decided to keep a journal.

Keeping a journal while detoxing helped me to get to the bottom of those little crying out bursts while allowing me to see that as I was getting healthier and unveiling the true me...the inner me...the optimal me that God wanted me to be...that was buried in the inner sactum of my body, under all of the baggage that I used food to bury it with...there was some self healing that needed to happen in order for me to come close to greeting the person that God wanted me to be.  Keeping a journal helped me to deal with things that I used food as a tool to mask. By masking those things instead of dealing with them, I inadvertently made myself an addict of food, namely cheese. (Click here to learn more about my cheese addiction. Click here to learn more about cheese and substitute cheeses.) I know it sounds silly, but its true. And whether you're addicted to alcohol, cigarettes, drugs or food, and addiction is an addiction and dealing with the emotional side of addictions is something that all addicts have to succumb. This is one reason, why I suggest this to you.

As you are purifying your body, you are awakening your consciousness. In doing so, part of the process in growing in any aspect of life is to close doors to the past so that you can properly move forward. If you continue throughout the duration of the 60 day Juice/Smoothie Challenge, you will grow and mature in ways you never knew you could. Your mind opens to a whole new arena of wisdom that you never knew. It's like you're walking into a whole new world. Out with the old and in with the new, I say. I'm not saying don't talk to your loved ones about them, but trust me, everyone doesn't need to hear every single thought that pops into that head of yours. Yet, those thoughts still need to get out. What better way than on paper?

Not to mention, some things might come up that you don't want to talk to anyone about, and that's perfectly fine. Put it on paper!  Those things that you never knew bothered you. Put it on paper! Those things you never knew that you should change about yourself. Put it on paper! Put it on paper! Put it on paper! Remember, you're doing this for a reason. Yes, one is for optimal health and to get healthy...but then what? What after this challenge? 

You'll find that you might not want to go back to life as it once was. You may even find that your life was perfectly fine as it was and this was a great "detox" for you. Whatever your discovery is that helps to make you a better you isn't the point...the point is that you realized it and got through that emotional roller coaster, without turning back...and this is one suggestion that might help you through it.

Moment of Reflection: I remember journaling after...uhhh about my 3rd Challenge... that I wanted to start a blog and teach people how to implement healthier alternatives into their lifestyle. So that entire journal was filled with my ideas, thoughts, plans of actions, steps, goals, aspirations, etc...I'm sure you get it! Keeping a journal doesn't have to be just about the bad can keep a plan of action journal...but let me warn you...putting it on paper, commits you. *smile*


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