

Vivacious Hair: Rosemary/Mint Tea Hair Spritz

  • 3-4 cups Water
  • 1/4-1/2 cup rosemary
  • 1/2 cup mint leaves
  • 1tbsp coconut oil
  • 2 drops lotus flower oil
  • 1 tbsp sugar in the raw (optional)
Put the water, rosemary and mint leaves in a pot. Bring them to boil. Then put the lid on the pot and let it steep overnight.

The next day, strain your cooled and steeped tea into your blender, add the sugar, coconut oil and lotus flower oil...blend. Let it sit until the foam dissolves.

Pour the tea spritz into your spray bottle. Use it daily or as needed. This spritz I use daily as my water spritzer before locking in moisture with my Avocado/Coconut Oil Whipped Shea Butter to seal in the moisture.

Please Note: This is NOT a hair holding spray, in fact it helps make your hair soft and strong, while detangling it and is used prior to locking in moisture with other styling aids.

(A) Because this is plant based, I store mine in the refrigerator until I am ready to use it. However, if you know you are going to use all of the contents right away, refrigeration may not be necessary.
(B) Any left over tea can be used as a nice beverage, as long as the essential oil wasn't added to it. I made a large batch of this and actually poured some out for my spritz and saved the rest to make a large batch of tea. Just added some raw blue agave and refrigerated it.

If you're wondering why this's some background information on it:

ROSEMARY: Rosemary is has been used for centuries to help prevent hair thinning and hair loss. It's even said to help stimulate the scalp to help the hair grow. It fights against premature graying and can gradually darken existing gray hair. The oil is beneficial for dry, flaky scalps, and as such is a great remedy for dandruff.

COCONUT OIL: Coconut oil is excellent for both your hair and scalp. Not only does it relieve that dry itchy scalp, but it also rejuvenates the hair shaft and help to repair dry, damaged and brittle hair. It also provides the essential proteins required for nourishing damaged hair. More on coconut oil here.

MINT: Although minimal research supports the use of peppermint oil as a proven stimulant for hair growth, benefits for the scalp and hair associated with the oil have been documented by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Peppermint oil aids in removing excess sebum from the scalp and acts as an astringent. The oil contains menthol. When placed on the skin, it produces a cooling tingling effect.

LOTUS FLOWER: Along with water lily and bamboo, lotus flower is a critical component of the Cibu "Hydralphatine Asiatique" triangle. It's often used in cosmetics to revitalize and condition hair cells.

SUGAR IN THE RAW: I added this in for "good measure". I remember reading somewhere a long time ago, that sugar helps seal in moisture and helps the hair to grow. We have seen evidence of this with honey conditioners, etc. Since I didn't put any harsh chemicals in this, I thought why not give this a try. What could it hurt? It's just pure sugar.

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