

SeaLand Smoothie

SeaLand Smoothie
  • 2 cups coconut milk
  • 2 frozen bananas
  • 1 tbsp hemp powder
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1/2 tsp spirulina
  • 1/2 tsp coconut manna (optional)
Makes 30 oz. 

Put everything in your Vitamix blender and blend into a juicy smoothie perfection!

This smoothie tastes like a banana milkshake. However, its loaded with your complex B-vitamins, protein, omega 3's, potassium and to top all of that off its super fat burning! This is great for after that workout when you are absolutely famished. I love to gobble this down and let it do the work for me. 
Some Health Benefits

Coconut Milk: Coconut milk contains many vitamins, minerals and electrolytes, including potassium, calcium and chloride. The saturated fat in coconut is made up of short-chain and medium-chain fatty acids the body quickly turns into energy instead of storing as fat. Therefore, even though it's high in saturated fat, coconut can aid in weight loss. Half the medium-chain fatty acids in coconut milk are composed of lauric acid, which is anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and anti-fungal. Coconut milk can help boost the immune system. Coconut milk is a dairy-free alternative for those who are lactose intolerant, allergic to animal milk, or for those like me with a plant based diet. It's also full of vitamin D2, the plant based alternative to vitamin D (which is best received from the sun) and vitamin D3 (that is normally in animal products). This plant based drink is also soy-free, gluten-free. Coconut milk is known to relieve the symptoms of sore throats and ulcers.  

Banana: Banana’s are loaded with potassium, a mineral that helps within the protein synthesis and constructing of muscle groups. A diet plan loaded in potassium is believed to trim down the menace of stroke and hypertension. They are also full of Vitamin B6, which aids inside the manufacturing of antibodies inside the immune method individually from red blood development, protein metabolic process and operating with the central nervous program. Bananas also have magnesium, which assists in recovering from exhaustion. Together with B12 and potassium, they support the entire body to enhance from your signs and symptoms associated towards the taking from nicotine. Vitamins C is in bananas also and it assists to safeguard the human body versus infections and remedy them too. This vitamin also delivers proof vital inside the synthesis with the connective tissue, assimilation of iron as well as the formation with the blood. Last, but not least banana’s contain Fructoogliosaccharides (FOS), which acts as foods for your “good bacteria” or perhaps a prebiotic inside the digestive method.  

Hemp Powder:   Hemp contains protein that provides a host of vitamins and minerals that your body needs to survive. It is rich in the antioxidant zinc and the electrolyte magnesium. It also contains some potassium which is lost in sweat and iron which your body uses to carry oxygen in the blood. Hemp protein provides 20 amino acids -- the building blocks of protein -- including the 10 essential amino acids that your body can't produce itself. Also, studies show that the hemp seed contains 37% protein, 43% fiber, no net carbs. It also comes with the benefit of 9% beneficial fats (omega-3,-6, and -9 plus GLA), chlorophyll, vitamin E and iron. I was hesitant about using this product, when I first started implementing superfoods into my diet, because of its origin; However, hemp has managed to turn into one of my favorite all natural protein supplements because unlike whey it digests immediately, and does not turn into fat. Oh and by the way, although this seed does come from the cannabis plant, it does not have the same effect as the actual have no worries, this is not a hallucinagen and is completely legal.

Spirulina: Spirulina is the common name given to a family of blue-green algae produced by a class of cyano-bacteria called “Arthospira”. It is abundant in both fresh and sea water. Spirulina benefits come mostly nowadays as a type of dietary supplement that comes from a type of microscopic alga, which is shaped like a spiral coil. Spirulina is cultivated from all around the world and is used as a dietary supplement as well as a whole food available in tablet, flake and powder form. One of the most important of all spirulina benefits is that it has an unusually high amount of protein, which is an almost complete protein that contains 18 of the 22 amino acids the body needs. It is of a superior quality when compared to plant protein. It is also rich with several different types of essential fatty acid, and contains Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin A and Vitamin E. It is also a source of such minerals as potassium, calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium (selenium benefits), sodium, and zinc. The most important and popular spirulina health benefit that comes with regular supplementation is undoubtedly weight loss. Spirulina weight loss has become quite a popular diet food; it is natural, it has all the major vitamins, amino acids and nutrients required by the human body and it has a very high protein content (60-70% of its body weight is pure protein). It is also free of carbohydrates and sugar. As a result, it acts as a potent appetite suppressant reducing body weight over time. Of course, if you are using spirulina weight loss as a magic pill remedy it will not work by itself but it should help you in diminishing your hunger while eating a completely natural food. It has also been shown to help correct anemia for undernourished children, it also be effective against melanosis and keratosis caused by chronic arsenic poisoning. Spirulina is also found to protect against hay fever, reduce inflammation caused by arthritis. Also, another one of the spirulina benefits is that it is a rare source of gamma-linoleic acid (GLA) which is otherwise only present in mother’s milk. This particular amino acid helps reduce bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. It also improves cardiovascular health in general. Spirulina is known to help contain the effects of type 2 diabetes. Regular Spirulina supplementation is known to lower blood sugar levels. It also improves the antioxidant potential in people, which decreases muscle breakdown and exhaustion after exercising and improves overall health. However despite all these benefits their are a few (mostly minor) spirulina side effects you might want to learn more about in my other post. However, the only real side effect you probably have to worry about is that spirulina also contains an amino acid called, phenylalanine, which should be avoided by people with phenylketonuria, a metabolic disorder, which prevents the body from metabolizing this particular amino acid, making it to build up in the brain causing damage. And although very rare it may sometimes contain a type of toxin called microcystins, which can cause liver diseases, including cancer. Unfortunately, as of yet no standard exists to regulate its safety, however as mentioned it is an extremely rare toxin, so as long as properly tested there is no need for an alarm. As you can see theirs definitely a lot of benefits linked to spirulina so it might be a supplement you want to add to your diet when looking for the best multivitamin that can compliment your eating habits!  
Coconut Oil: For years it was a common misconception that this oil was not good for you and was even bad for the heart. However, studies have shown that people who have switched to coconut oil have had less occurrences of heart disease. This is because it contains a large quantity of saturated fats (don't let that scare you, because unlike most oils, coconut oil does not sit in your system, it quickly moves out taking bad fat with it.) Nevertheless, coconut oil contains about 50% lauric acid, which helps in preventing various heart problems including high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. Additional benefits include weight loss, controlling diabetes, curing kidney and gall bladder issues, treating pancreatic issues, providing easy digestion, healing stomach issues, and boosting immunity. It's even good for the teeth, as it has a good amount of calcium.  
Coconut Manna: is basically coconut butter...its a thicker, richer creamier version of coconut oil...most often used as a replacement of the animal butter product. Nutrtional information is the same as the coconut oil...please see above.
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