


There comes a time in every woman’s workout routine when she must encounter weights. Even if its just the 1-5 lb weights. We must encounter them and I don’t know about you, but for me, I’ve always had this LONG moment of silence before doing anything with them. It was almost like I wasn’t sure that I would come back alive. *Smile* I’ve done so much research about weight lifting and discussed the subject with various trainers and a few body builders who shared a lot of insight. So much that I was moved to not only implement weight lifting into my workout routine, but to share what I’ve learned with you. 

One of my main fears was that I would bulk up and look “manly.” However, studies show that weight lifting is an effective way to burn calories AND lose weight. So lifting weight helps you tone, define and lose weight! A woman’s body is built in such a way whereas it is impossible for her to bulk up and look like a man by lifting weights. Why? A woman has too much estrogen and not enough testosterone to remotely be able to do so. It’s just not naturally possible. Elite FTS states, “These ‘grocery stand models’ are most likely pumped full of some extra juice. This is why they look like men. If you take the missing link that separates men from women and add it back in, what do you have? A man!”  

So my main fear was a huge misconception. Lifting weights can help women build a toned, sculpted, feminine body, and build stronger bones. Plus it can boost your metabolism, making you not only look great but feel great, too. Now, by no means am I saying lift weights and stop cardio. You really have to be well rounded and implement both. I was instructed to do about 20-30 minutes of cardio before weight lifting. And I can really feel the difference of doing the cardio right before.

Now for those of you who say that Cardio is better than Weight Lifting, I wouldn’t say one is better than the other. Cardio is definitely needed for a healthy heart. However, while cardio burns more calories than strength training during those 30 sweaty minutes, pumping iron slashes more overall. A study in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that women who completed an hour-long strength-training workout burned an average of 100 more calories in the 24 hours AFTERWARDS than they did when they hadn't lifted weights. At three sessions a week, that's 15,600 calories a year, or about four and a half pounds of fat—without having to move a muscle. So essentially your body is always in burn mode with weight lifting/strength training. 

Now…if you’re wondering why your scale hasn’t moved but you’re eating right and working out consistently…maybe it’s time for you to kick up your workout routine a notch…add some weights…See what happens.

PLEASE NOTE! This site (including but not limited to: all food, hair and skin care recipes; tips; tutorials; writings; and, downloads) are absolutely free to the public! Because it's free, I ask one simple favor in return, as your token of appreciation for my humanitarian effort...I realize you may want to share and maybe even use Veg Vivaciously's content in your business (including but not limited to: blog(s), e-zine(s), website(s), free publication(s), etc). You can, as long as you (1) do not charge a fee; (2) cite the direct link of the Veg Vivaciously content used; and, (3) include the verbiage below with the Veg Vivaciously content used:
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This content was originally from Veg Vivaciously, a website that teaches healthier alternatives one veggie at a time. You can get your FREE (food, hair and skin care) recipes, tutorials and other writings and tips directly at PLUS you can stay connected and join the Veg Vivaciously community on Facebook, Twitter and/or even download the Veg Vivaciously Toolbar and/or Phone App to stay in the know!
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DID YOU KNOW: Veggie Tales (and not the cartoon)

As I was perusing around a health food store, I ran into an old friend...Soy Kaas Natural Cheese Alternative! My mind immediately went back to when I first met Soy years ago, and it was love at first bite! We met back when I was vegetarian, but was "entertaining the idea" about becoming vegan. This cheese tasted like the real thing, it even melted like the real thing. 

Back when I was vegetarian, like many vegetarians, I thought I was healthy, just because I wasn't eating meat. I had no idea some of the contaminates that were in eggs and various other dairy choices I implemented into my diet. Not to mention the GMO's (more on GMO's to come). I would intake on a daily basis. Now that I am vegan with a 70% raw vegan diet, I am more aware of the ingredients that's in certain foods. It's funny when you turn vegan, you don't just skim the ingredient label, you literally dissect it and research the ingredients that are listed. Aside from many ingredients being GMO's, there are many ingredients listed on the labels of the foods that we are eating and we are totally clueless about. I was reminiscing with Soy (we're on first name basis), something told me to look on the back of the label and read the ingredients...
Caseinate! Ugh! I was completely dumbfounded! And soy lecithin! In case you didn't know, soy lecithin is the fattiest part of the soy bean that has been dissected out using hexane (gas). That's right, poison was used to suck the fat out of a bean and put into this cheese alternative. Which means, whoever eats this cheese alternative, is not only taking in the opiates from the casein, but also the gas from the soy lecithin. What a way to get your daily intake of toxins. Might as well eat regular cheese. 

This completely stopped me in my tracks. I immediately thought back to the euphoria of love I once had for this cheese alternative when I was living in a blind world wearing what was apparently the darkest shade of rose colored glasses...then i immediately felt immensely disappointed, sad, bamboozled and hoodwinked! (too much?) This company markets to vegans! Can you believe it? Why would they do that, knowing they put this poison in their food? Then I thought about all the people in the world who, like me once upon a time, unknowingly ate this (out of convenience) thinking it was truly, (1) a non-dairy alternative to cheese and (2) healthy and safe for them to do so.

This caused me to look into a few other things, since I was already in the frozen food section. I thought to check out the ingredients on the back of the veggie burgers. Now its so convenient for vegetarians and vegans alike to go to the frozen food section of the grocery store and pick up a box of something, rather than to make it home made. So why not, right? Well here's why..there are almost ALWAYS some form of eggs and/or dairy in them. If your vegetarian, this may be fine for you since, vegetarians typically eat eggs and various other dairy and animal by-products, but if you're vegan, this is a no-no. I mean it is clearly in dis-alignment with the reason for becoming vegan. Discovering this really put me in a total state of shock. I'm so glad I make my own veggie burgers. (veggie burger recipe here) 

So now we have to worry not only worry about GMO's, opiates, gas and all sorts of other things in our food...but the hidden ingredients that's in foods...Yes, I know, its a bit much to take in...take a deep breath...there's more.... 

We have to be so aware of what we put into our bodies. Because what we refuel our body with really is the key substance that governs our over all health. Learning these things caused me to really sit and think about a lot of things. I remember the last time I felt this perplexed was when I discovered (when I first turned vegan) that the multivitamin I was taking had D3, a meat derivative, in it. That's right, "they" can even put meat in your pills and supplements. Funny how "they" never tell us that you can get all of your Vitamin D's directly from the sun? Did you also know that Vitamin D2, does the exact same thing as D3, except its not an animal steroid vitamin and is totally vegan?

Further research lead me to learn more about "natural flavors". We see this so often on organic products and those non-organic processed foods that advertise their "healthiness"...the first thing they'll say is "We're all natural". Well you better check out the ingredient panel, because if they have a blanket statement of saying "other natural flavors", that, my dear, can be just about anything. Interesting how food industrial companies may not expose that it has animal or animal by-products directly in them, but it will say "natural flavors". This legal catch phrase helps them in case they get into a law suit, I can here them now..."well the box informed them that there was (insert whatever you want here) in it."  Title 21, Section 101, part 22 of the Code of Federal Regulations is as follows:
The term natural flavor or natural flavoring means the essential oil, oleoresin, essence or extractive, protein hydrolysate, distillate, or any product of roasting, heating or enzymolysis, which contains the flavoring constituents derived from a spice, fruit or fruit juice, vegetable or vegetable juice, edible yeast, herb, bark, bud, root, leaf or similar plant material, meat, seafood, poultry, eggs, dairy products, or fermentation products thereof, whose significant function in food is flavoring rather than nutritional.
In other words, natural flavors can be pretty much anything approved for use in food. It's basically impossible to tell what is in natural flavors unless the company has literally specified it on the label. Those of you who tend to buy more products because the label says "certified organic" and it says "natural flavors"...please be aware of what that means and look deeper into the actual ingredients on the labels. If a company or distributor is known to hold and carry RAW organic foods, more than likely it really is natural flavors.

Funny how the more I journey down this path, the more conscience I become. This just confirmed for me that my life is as it should be and that I'm going down the right food path. Maybe this recent, bumping into Soy, was for a reason...maybe that reason was so that I could get motivated to kick up my eating habits a notch. So that's exactly what I'm going to do. As of this moment, I'm going up a bit to 90% raw vegan foods cooking only 10% foods. The good thing for you is that, I'll be getting more RAWsomely creative with recipes and sharing them with you, so that you can try them too.

By the way, after I got home from my non-grocery shopping trip...I spent 5 minutes in my kitchen making my own cheese (cheese recipes here) and basked in the glory of making my own food. Please embrace preparing your own food, if not for any other reason than knowing what it is you're actually putting into your body. Eat to prevent illness and disease, not to cure it (one to think on).

PLEASE NOTE! This site (including but not limited to: all food, hair and skin care recipes; tips; tutorials; writings; and, downloads) are absolutely free to the public! Because it's free, I ask one simple favor in return, as your token of appreciation for my humanitarian effort...I realize you may want to share and maybe even use Veg Vivaciously's content in your business (including but not limited to: blog(s), e-zine(s), website(s), free publication(s), etc). You can, as long as you (1) do not charge a fee; (2) cite the direct link of the Veg Vivaciously content used; and, (3) include the verbiage below with the Veg Vivaciously content used:
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This content was originally from Veg Vivaciously, a website that teaches healthier alternatives one veggie at a time. You can get your FREE (food, hair and skin care) recipes, tutorials and other writings and tips directly at PLUS you can stay connected and join the Veg Vivaciously community on Facebook, Twitter and/or even download the Veg Vivaciously Toolbar and/or Phone App to stay in the know!
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RECIPE OF THE WEEK: Vegan Coconut Pie

Vegan Coconut Pie
I am absolutely cocoNUTs about Nutiva products. I realized after making this pie, exactly how cocoNUTs I am. They really are the ones that got me embracing coconut oil and all the things you can do with it.

After using the oil in smoothies and various other un-cooking plant based dishes, I decided to actually try baking with it. Then after deciding that I wanted to kick it up a notch and make a coconut pie! 

I realized after baking this pie, I hadn't used my stove in about nine months! Funny how time flies when you're having Un-Cooking fun! Luckily for me... my stove still worked!

Anywho...I created this vegan coconut pie. Hope you enjoy it!

Pie Filling
1 pack silken firm tofu
2 tbsp coconut oil
1 cup coconut milk
2-3 teaspoons organic vanilla extract (non-alcoholic)
½ cup coconut nectar

¼ cup tbsp sugar in the raw/turminado sugar
2 cups raw coconut flakes (unsweetened)

Pie shell
1 cup raw pecans (pre-soaked)
2 tbsp sugar in the raw/turminado sugar
2 tbsp coconut nectar
2 tbsp coconut flour
½ tsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp cinnamon
1 tsp ginger powder
 Please Note: (a) Pie shell ingredients for the bottom. Please double the entire pie shell ingredients for a shell that covers the bottom and goes up on the sides. (b) Pie shell tastes like a gingerbread cookie. It really compliments the overall pie taste. If you don't want that "gingerbread" flavor, then simply exclude the ginger powder.

Ginger Pecan Pie Shell
Take the pecans and put in the food process. Process until all the pecans are crumbly. Add the other dry ingredients, then the wet ingredients. Making sure its processed well. Should look crumbly like a graham cracker crust before its patted down.

Take all the ingredients and place it on the bottom of your pie dish. Pat down firmly until its evenly flat. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes in the oven.

Take out after 10 minutes and let it cool before adding your pie crust. (It will cool while making your pie filling *wink*) 

Please Note: I like a thicker crust on the bottom. So I did not go up on the sides of the pie shell pan.

Pie Filling
Take all of the ingredients for the pie filling and put them in your blender and blend until its smooth and creamy. Then pour it on top of your cooled pie shell.
Optional: Sprinkle a little coconut flakes on top.
Ready for the oven!
Bake at 350 for 25-30 minutes in the oven. 
Please Note: Pie will NOT be completely done! It will still be a bit custardish. Don't worry, this will solidify in the refrigerator.

Take out of oven to cool. Then place it in the refrigerator to sit and settle for at least 2 hours before diving into it!

This was after an hour of refrigeration. I couldn't wait for it to set completely. *smile*

PLEASE NOTE! This site (including but not limited to: all food, hair and skin care recipes; tips; tutorials; writings; and, downloads) are absolutely free to the public! Because it's free, I ask one simple favor in return, as your token of appreciation for my humanitarian effort...I realize you may want to share and maybe even use Veg Vivaciously's content in your business (including but not limited to: blog(s), e-zine(s), website(s), free publication(s), etc). You can, as long as you (1) do not charge a fee; (2) cite the direct link of the Veg Vivaciously content used; and, (3) include the verbiage below with the Veg Vivaciously content used:
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This content was originally from Veg Vivaciously, a website that teaches healthier alternatives one veggie at a time. You can get your FREE (food, hair and skin care) recipes, tutorials and other writings and tips directly at PLUS you can stay connected and join the Veg Vivaciously community on Facebook, Twitter and/or even download the Veg Vivaciously Toolbar and/or Phone App to stay in the know!
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VIVACIOUS SKIN: Anti-Aging Skin Tightening Crème

Anti-Aging Skin Tightening Crème

  • ¼ cup organic extra virgin coconut oil
  • ¼ cup organic grape seed oil
  • ½ cup raw organic shea butter
  • (3) 3 oz bottles
  • Scented oils (optional)

Before I begin telling you how to make this, I want to tell you why I chose these three combinations to use on my skin…

Benefits of the Ingredients

Coconut Oil: The benefit of coconut oil on the skin is comparable to that of mineral oil. Further, unlike mineral oil, there is no chance of having any adverse side effects on the skin with the application of coconut oil. Coconut oil therefore is a safe solution for preventing dryness and flaking of skin. It also delays wrinkles, and sagging of skin, which normally become prominent with age. Coconut oil also helps in treating various skin problems including psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema and other skin infections.

Grapeseed Oil: Grape seed oil is a hidden commodity, I find. It has mildly astringent qualities, which help to tighten and tone the skin, making it a good cosmetic ingredient for anti-aging products. It is very useful for moisturizing and adding emollient properties to any product intended for use on an acne prone skin. The antioxidant effect of this oil is most useful when fighting the ravages of aging, as the oxidative stress caused by free radicals, which are neutralized by antioxidants, is one of the major factors that cause aging.

Raw Shea Butter:  Aside from the obvious greatness of raw shea butter known mostly for its nourishing abilities of Vitamins A, E and F to help maintain the skin and keep it clear and healthy. These vitamins are particularly helpful for sun damaged skin and help prevent premature wrinkles and facial lines. Vitamin F acts as a skin protector and rejuvenator. Proving to provide clearer, brighter skin; less wrinkles; and even less sun damage. Lastly, but certainly not least, shea butter has great abilities in maintaining your skin's elasticity and suppleness (this hides all of the unwanted cellulite). In a clinical study done by Frank Renard, Ph.D., shea butter was found to have significant anti-aging properties and was proven to help rebuild and rejuvenate collagen

Making the Crème

  1. Put all the ingredients (except the oils) into a blender and mix well. It will liquefy and blend together well. Taking on the immediate texture of a creamy lotion. 
  2. Take one of your bottles and fill. You always want at least one bottle without fragrance for your face and for those times that you just don’t want to wear scented body crème.
  3. If you are using scented oils for the remainder of the crème, then proceed to step 4. If not, then please feel free to fill up the remainder of your bottles with the crème you just made.
  4. Take part of your mixture and pour it in your second bottle. Pour your scent(s) in and shake well. If you are using different scents for each of the remaining bottles, sit it to the side and pour it back into the blender to mix after mixing your other fragrance of choice with the remaining crème. (Repeat for the third bottle.)
  5. For my second bottle, I mixed lavender with vanilla. I love this scent! It’s exhilarating and takes me to a happy place. Did you know that vanilla was once used as an aphrodisiac? And as for lavender, well aside from lavenders well known relaxing nature, it’s good as an antiseptic and antifungal agent. Not to mention its great for treating acne, wrinkles, psoriasis and eczema. (Don’t ask me why I love things that’s good for eczema, I have never had it! *smile*)
  6. For my third bottle, I mixed Atom (a flowery fragrance oil I picked up in Egypt) and ylang ylang (also known for its sensual scent that releases anxiety, alleviates stress and is alluring to men) …so this is my little something that’s pretty, exotic, romantic, and sexy.

TIP: This crème is filled with moisturizing nutrients that are great for your scalp and hair. It's a dual crème! Another reason why you might want one that's unscented. *wink*

Hope you enjoy this crème as much as I do…out of all of my crème’s and butters, I love this one the most. And feel free to play with the scented oils and mix them in…and tell me what scents do you absolutely love?



PLEASE NOTE! This site (including but not limited to: all food, hair and skin care recipes; tips; tutorials; writings; and, downloads) are absolutely free to the public! Because it's free, I ask one simple favor in return, as your token of appreciation for my humanitarian effort...I realize you may want to share and maybe even use Veg Vivaciously's content in your business (including but not limited to: blog(s), e-zine(s), website(s), free publication(s), etc). You can, as long as you (1) do not charge a fee; (2) cite the direct link of the Veg Vivaciously content used; and, (3) include the verbiage below with the Veg Vivaciously content used:
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This content was originally from Veg Vivaciously, a website that teaches healthier alternatives one veggie at a time. You can get your FREE (food, hair and skin care) recipes, tutorials and other writings and tips directly at PLUS you can stay connected and join the Veg Vivaciously community on Facebook, Twitter and/or even download the Veg Vivaciously Toolbar and/or Phone App to stay in the know!
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WEEKLY FITNESS TIP: Making Time in a Hectic Schedule to Exercise

When I first started working out, my number one excuse was "making time" for working out. I really didn't have the time. I've never been a morning person so getting up earlier than I need to begin my day was out of the question. To fit exercise into my already crazy schedule when I was already praying for at least 6 more hours in a day, was next to impossible, or so I thought. 

I learned rather quickly to break up my workout in intervals. I know this sounds crazy, but I would break my exercise routine up into three 20 minute workouts. Sometimes even four 15 minute workouts. Who said the hour workout had to be all at once?
  • In the morning, I would get to my office, shut the office door and I would stretch and do some maneuvers while sitting in my seat at my desk! Afterwards, I would sip on a cup of green tea.
  • For lunch, I would walk, then eat. At this time I was a beginner, so I would only walk a half mile or so, strolling, not speed walking. My point was to move, do something, even if it was just a stroll through the park. Then I would come back to work and eat my lunch at my desk. (walking tips here)
  • In the evening, I would stretch again, or try to do wall pushups, crunches on the edge of my bed...something right before bed. I would even bend over or lunge while sweeping and vacuuming...again, whatever it took to get my exercise in. Sometimes, I would even do stress yoga stretches, which helped me sleep like a baby.
As silly as it sounds, these little things really got me into working out. While I didn't see fast physical results, I noticed the difference in my temperament, attitude, behavior, I was able to sleep much sounder than before, and I would even wake up a little more rejuvenated than previously too. 

After doing this for about 6 months, I eventually bought a pedometer and started monitoring my walking. When I realized how far I've come by evaluating myself, it just made me want to kick it up a notch. I started walking to work, the store, taking the stairs...just doing what little bit I can to get my work out in. The next thing I know, I was uping my half mile to a mile then to a mile and half, then to two now I can walk at the very least 7 miles without it being a chore.

If I can do it, you can to! Just remember, DO NOT compare yourself to other people. Compare yourself to you! Think about where you were yesterday, last week, last month, last year and where you are today, where you want to be...and compare that. Here's a link from Womens Health Magazine and Fitness Magazine with a series 20 minute workout routines to help get you started. 

There will never be another you, so remember, no matter how hectic your life...make yourself a priority. This is you loving yourself.

PLEASE NOTE! This site (including but not limited to: all food, hair and skin care recipes; tips; tutorials; writings; and, downloads) are absolutely free to the public! Because it's free, I ask one simple favor in return, as your token of appreciation for my humanitarian effort...I realize you may want to share and maybe even use Veg Vivaciously's content in your business (including but not limited to: blog(s), e-zine(s), website(s), free publication(s), etc). You can, as long as you (1) do not charge a fee; (2) cite the direct link of the Veg Vivaciously content used; and, (3) include the verbiage below with the Veg Vivaciously content used:
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This content was originally from Veg Vivaciously, a website that teaches healthier alternatives one veggie at a time. You can get your FREE (food, hair and skin care) recipes, tutorials and other writings and tips directly at PLUS you can stay connected and join the Veg Vivaciously community on Facebook, Twitter and/or even download the Veg Vivaciously Toolbar and/or Phone App to stay in the know!
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DID YOU KNOW: Today is International Day of Peace

Troy Davis-The face of International Day of Peace, September 21, 2011
It saddens me to no end to think about how far we've come as a nation to then realize that maybe we haven't come that far at all. We are a nation that gives advice freely to other nations; stepping in with our wise educated and seemingly undefeated voice(s) of reason. When meanwhile in the backyards of our own neighborhoods things are a mess. 

I don't know if Troy Davis did the crime he was convicted of, but I do know that various investigations show that it was not a fair trial. It was a trial that didn't have any conclusive evidence of the crime that he allegedly committed and was convicted of. The crime that now is leading up to his possibly impending execution, which brings so many thoughts, feelings and questions to the surface. Not just for Troy Davis, but for us all. How ironic this is all happening on International Day of Peace.

Instead of banning together in celebration of what once was, people are banning together to preserve a life. While the reason is quite, ironic in its nature, the context really serves the purpose of this day. What greater way to spend International Day of Peace, than to preserve a life. Please view the Live Stream Protest from Democracy Now!   


VIVACIOUS HAIR: A Simple Tribute to Dr. Bronner's

I've gotten a couple of email and facebook requests to do a write up on my hair regimen and hair care in general. As I pondered the way to go about answering all of the questions at once while covering the vast array of nationalities and cultures that may have emailed. It dawned on me to start from the beginning, with washing and conditioning. 

My personal regimen, is one that is really quite simple. I may add  gels and moisture sealants, and various oils...but it all begins and ends with washing and conditioning. We must remember that washing is for both our scalp and our hair. Many say that washing is only for the scalp. But I beg to differ. Without clean hair we have product buildup and nasty hair follicles, which can result to all sorts of hair damage. So when I wash, I focus on both my scalp and my hair. And, lets just get real, its almost impossible to focus on one without the other, right? 

Nevertheless, there's no greater time than now to tell you how my hair care regimen began. It started with my plant based eating journey...I know, I know, it sounds crazy, but it really all begins and ends here for me. When I implemented a plant based diet into my life, I immediately became more aware. One of the things I realized was that: Eating a plant based diet simply wasn't good enough. I started looking around my flat at things (little things) that I noticed that I could change for the better. And then as I was literally standing in the middle of my living room, I happen to glance at myself in the mirror...and then it hit me: If God provides us everything we need in nature for our food resources, why not for every aspect of our lives, including hair, skin and beauty. Let's just say,  I began to look at my life as a whole-and the entire thing needed a do over, beginning with my hair regimen.

While I have always (for the most part of my life) wore my hair natural (i.e., no perms, relaxers, texturizers, dyes, etc...),  I had the strangest epiphany...the hair care products that I used to wash, condition and maintain my hair were created for permed, relaxed, texturized and/or color treated hair. One had to think, was I really all natural? I mean chemicals are chemicals. Whether it's in a shampoo, conditioner or a perm or relaxer...its still chemicals, and no matter what form they take they are hazardous to healthy hair.

So I literally went through every single product in my bathroom. From the shampoo and conditioner to the mousse and even the oils and gels, etc. When reading the ingredients, I realized that I had no idea, essentially, what I was putting in my hair, because I didn't know what those words on the ingredient label were. I even went a step beyond to google the scientific names. Some of which (to the chemical hair companies defense) were scientific names for natural products, others...uum, not so much. I realized I very well could have been washing my hair with chemical explosives! No wonder, TSA only allows us four 3oz bottles in our carry on.

Anyway, I realized quickly that it wasn't only my diet that I needed to change in my lifestyle. As I mentioned earlier, I believe that, just like our creator made no mistakes in providing for us our essential nutritional needs in nature, the same was done for our optimal hair, skin and beauty aids. I made a decision at that point to make sure that if I couldn't pronounce the words or understand what they were on the ingredient label, I simply wouldn't buy it. Not even for my hair. (I realize this may sound a bit extreme to many, but think about whats under your hair...your brain! Those chemicals getting into our body from our head...well, it just can't be a good thing.)

Now that I realize my error, and changed my hair care products, I've learned that my hair is not breaking as much, and my ends aren't splitting as quickly, providing less hair loss/shedding when styling. My hair is shinier, stronger, my curly tendrils have more definition. My curls aren't all over the place, like they were before. My hair actually looks more organized (if that makes any sense), and my hair looks like I spend far more time on it than I actually do. I need less hair cuts/trims/end clippings and my hair even sheds less. Could it be, that I found an all natural (organic) product that really is completely all natural? 

My former hairstylist actually told me once, that "there is no all natural hair care product out there...they all have 'something' chemically that's in it." Well, I'm here to prove her and other's who agree with her wrong. I use Dr. Bronners. You've heard me mention this product line before, but I really do swear by it. If you notice, they are not one of this blog's sponsors and I get absolutely nothing for this endorsement. I use them and it's a strong part of my main hair routine.

SHAMPOO: Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps. Aside from the fact that its certified organic and fair trade, I really like the combination of oils (including coconut oil-oh how I love coconut oil) that are used in this castile based soap to moisturize while cleansing. I've tried all of the liquid soaps on their product line and use each one for different things. I'm partial to Almond, Lavender and Peppermint, but that's just me. Play around with the trial sizes and see which one's work for you. Research and see what the main ingredients are good for, hair nutrition wise, for example, lavender is great for preventing hair damage. So research what you use on your hair.

Now, as much as I love this soap, I feel I would not be doing any of you proper justice by only telling you how great this soap is. It's also my duty to tell you the flaws of using this all natural product. Your hair will tangle and possibly mat. It's just a given. Just like the sun rises in the east and set in the west. Know that when you use this product your hair will tangle and possibly mat. I know it sounds crazy, but to me if I try a product and a little tangling doesn't happen, I wonder what chemical is in the shampoo to prevent it? 

To help ease some tangling, I simple wash my hair to the back, allowing the water to flow through and I don't scrunch my hair up when washing. I take my finger tips and gently scrub my scalp to make sure its clean then I work my finger tips down towards the back of my hair, helping as much of my hair to stay separated so that it doesn't tangle more than it already is. Please Note: Even with doing this tangling will occur. But don't worry, the Conditioning Rinse will help alleviate some of the tangles.

CONDITIONER: Dr. Bronner's Shikakai Conditioning Rinse. First thing I need to tell you, this is not the normal conditioner that you are probably use to, it is a conditioning rinse that is highly concentrated and needs to be mixed with water and poured over your hair while finger combing to untangle. My first time trying it, I used a comb, because I don't detangle my hair before I wash it. I like the water running over my hair which helps me detangle my hair and keeps it from breaking from rough handling. 

Anywho...this conditioning rinse has Shikakai powder which comes from a small South Asian tree, Acacia Concinna, and is widely used in India for soft shiny hair. It also has organic lemon juice in it, which is typically used to tighten hair shafts for excellent manageability. It has other things in it like coconut oil (for protein, vitamin E), hemp seeds (more protein), etc. It goes without saying you're getting that PH balance everyone talks about so much.

I simple take an old bottle that has a squirt top and I put some Shikakai Conditioning Rinse in it with some distilled/purified water and I pour it over my hair stopping intermittently to comb it (to detangle it) mid way through. Aside from the fact that this helps get the rinse all the way through my hair, it really aids in detangling. I repeat until all of the conditioning rinse is gone.

Please Note: When my hair needs deep conditioning and hot oil treatments. I will do that prior to the conditioning rinse. The conditioning rinse should always be last, because this really helps to seal and protect your hair, making it strong. Not to mention it will give your hair a natural shine you've never seen before. 

LEAVE-IN CONDITIONER (Styling Aid): Dr.Bronners Hair Creme. This is a leave in conditioner with lavender and coconut. Lavender is very good for repairing damaged hair. I typically like to use products that help with "damaged hair" since I don't go to the hair salons but two or three times a year for a hair cut (or on special occasions if I want a blow out style). It's kind of my preventative measure. Although, they have a lovely peppermint leave-in as well. I've fallen in love with this leave in conditioner because in one use I noticed a difference in my hair and so I decided its a keeper. It also doesn't hurt that I only need a little bit of this product to get the desired effect. Unlike most products that are over priced, this is reasonably priced and you don't end up using half the bottle in one use. One bottle of this lasts me about a month. I have long hair, if you have short hair it should last you longer.

Hope this was helpful...I feel like I wrote a novel about my hair. Only to tell you that I only use 3 things in my core hair care regimen. But I hope this helped you natural Veg Heads with your hair. :-) Also, I managed to find and crop some pictures of my hair before and after Dr. Bronners...OMG! Writing this made me want to run out and stock up on Dr. Bronners so that I never run out! Look at the difference in my hair and let me know your thoughts!
I remember taking this picture, AFTER OILING MY SCALP! WOW-look at how dry and dull my hair looks like it all should have been all cut off!!! Clearly this is the before picture. (By the way, I can't believe I actually walked around with that mop top on my head for hair!)

My hair AFTER Dr. Bronner's...WOWsers what a difference. I think I took this picture after the 3rd use or gel or anything in my hair, just Dr. Bronner's.


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PLEASE NOTE! This site (including but not limited to: all food, hair and skin care recipes; tips; tutorials; writings; and, downloads) are absolutely free to the public! Because it's free, I ask one simple favor in return, as your token of appreciation for my humanitarian effort...I realize you may want to share and maybe even use Veg Vivaciously's content in your business (including but not limited to: blog(s), e-zine(s), website(s), free publication(s), etc). You can, as long as you (1) do not charge a fee; (2) cite the direct link of the Veg Vivaciously content used; and, (3) include the verbiage below with the Veg Vivaciously content used:
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This content was originally from Veg Vivaciously, a website that teaches healthier alternatives one veggie at a time. You can get your FREE (food, hair and skin care) recipes, tutorials and other writings and tips directly at PLUS you can stay connected and join the Veg Vivaciously community on Facebook, Twitter and/or even download the Veg Vivaciously Toolbar and/or Phone App to stay in the know!
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RECIPE OF THE WEEK: NOT-cho's!!! (a vegan alternat...

So it's game season and we're all looking for healthy snacks to munch on while watching the game. One of my favorite snacks are nacho's. I love to eat them watching movies and the games. It's an oldy but goody. I remember when I first started implementing a plant based foods into my diet, I really thought about all the foods I loved, and thought that I wouldn't be able to maintain a consistent plant based diet because that would mean I'd have to give up cheese (For more on my cheese addiction click here). Ironically, all of the foods that I love contain cheese. Until finally, it hit me! Why couldn't I have the same foods? I mean, why couldn't I make the same things, except veganize it! So that's exactly what I started doing with a lot of things. Not-cho cheese being one of many...Let me tell you this cheese recipe tastes like the real thing. I promise you when I made it Angels came down from heaven and sang to me!

Not-cho Ingredients:
  • Chips of your choice. (the chips I used in this pic are red bean and rice chips.)
  • 1-15 oz can of organic red beans
  • 1-15 oz can of organic black beans
  • 1-15 oz can of organic corn
  • 1/3 finely chopped onion or 1 tbsp dried onion flakes
  • 1/3 finely chopped bell pepper
  • 1-2 tbs cumin
  • 1/2 tsp himilayan salt
  • 1/2 tsp pepper
  • 1/2 curry powder
  • Not-cho cheese (see below for detailed recipe)
*If you're anti-can goods, feel free to use frozen. But, for intents and purposes of this blog, I'm going for simplicity---something both female and male friendly (that's right fella's this is so simple even you can prepare it) and I actually used cans---see pic below. 
Organic can goods
First we're going to make the cheese...*drum roll please*...

NOT-cho Cheese
Not-cho Cheese Ingredients: 
  • 1 cup raw organic cashews (pre-soaked)
  • 1/4 cup braggs amino acid
  • 1/4 - 1/2 cup water (depending on how thick or thin you want your cheese)
  • 1/2 cup nutritional yeast
  • 1 cup roasted red pepper 
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 tsp crushed red peppers or jalapeno peppers (optional)
Making the Not-cho cheese
Throw all of the ingredients into your blender. (Because we're trying to liquify nuts, its best to use your blender. If you have a hightec blender, it'll take you about 1 min.) Blend, then put the cheese into a bowl and let it sit to the side until you're ready to top your not-cho's off.

Note(s): Makes about 15 oz of cheese. To make more double entire recipe. To make your cheese hot, just keep the blender running for a while, it will automatically heat the cheese up.
Beans and Corn Mix with Bell Pepper, Onion and Seasonings
Making the corn & bean mixture for the Notcho's
Rinse and drain your corn and beans. Once drained put into a bowl, add your seasonings the bell pepper and the onion. Let it sit to the side until you're ready to top your chips.

NOT-cho close up
Making your Not-cho platter
  • Place your chips on your plate.
  • Place the corn and bean mixture on top of the notchos.
  • Drizzle with as much not-cho cheese as you like.
  • Eat!
NOT-Cho Close Up
For those of you who are really watching your's a little something just for you! If you feel this is just way too "junk food" like for you...throw some lettuce, tomatoes and avocado on it and turn it into a taco salad! Either way enjoy the movies and the games in a healthy way!

Taco Salad

PLEASE NOTE! This site (including but not limited to: all food, hair and skin care recipes; tips; tutorials; writings; and, downloads) are absolutely free to the public! Because it's free, I ask one simple favor in return, as your token of appreciation for my humanitarian effort...I realize you may want to share and maybe even use Veg Vivaciously's content in your business (including but not limited to: blog(s), e-zine(s), website(s), free publication(s), etc). You can, as long as you (1) do not charge a fee; (2) cite the direct link of the Veg Vivaciously content used; and, (3) include the verbiage below with the Veg Vivaciously content used:
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This content was originally from Veg Vivaciously, a website that teaches healthier alternatives one veggie at a time. You can get your FREE (food, hair and skin care) recipes, tutorials and other writings and tips directly at PLUS you can stay connected and join the Veg Vivaciously community on Facebook, Twitter and/or even download the Veg Vivaciously Toolbar and/or Phone App to stay in the know!
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