

Carrot Pear Juice

  • 1 1/2 lb carrots
  • 4 pears
  • 1 tsp spirulina (optional)
Makes about 32 ozs

Put it in your juicer ... and juice it! 

No juicer? No problem! Blend in your Vitamix. Then strain through a nut milk bag or a paint strainer bag...and pour in your storage container. For detailed instructions on making juice in the blender click here.

This juice is sooooo good. Hate I haven't made Parsely Juice in a while...The pears send it over the top. Try this juice!!!! ♥

Some Health Benefits

Pear: A pear is one of the highest-fiber fruits. Providing 25 percent of the daily value of fiber for women, and 21 percent for men -- more fiber than that in a large apple or 1 cup of strawberries. Because most of the fiber is in the skin, you significantly reduce the fiber content of a pear if you peel it prior to consumption. Pears contain numerous minerals, the most abundant of which is copper. One large pear provides 21 percent of the daily value of this mineral, which is important for healthy nerves, blood vessels and bones. One large pear also supplies 6 percent of the daily value of potassium. Potassium is important for proper fluid balance and muscle function. According to the American Heart Association, potassium is an important nutrient for those with high blood pressure, because it can offset the negative effects of sodium. Like many fruits, pears contain vitamin C. One large pear provides 13 percent of the daily value for women, and 11 percent for men. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that assists with collagen formation, iron absorption and the production of norepinephrine. Norepinephrine is a neurotransmitter that affects your mood. One large pear contains 10.3 mcg of vitamin K, which provides 11 percent of the daily value for women and 9 percent for men. Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin important for normal blood clotting and strong bones. You absorb fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin K, better if you consume them with healthy fats. Because pears are low in fat, you can increase the absorption of the vitamin K in the fruit by eating it with peanut butter or a handful of nuts.  

Carrots: Did you know the carrot is a root vegetable? It's sweet and succulent taste is  rich in anti-oxidants, vitamins and dietary fiber. They are exceptionally rich source of carotenes and vitamin-A. 100 g fresh carrot contain 8285 mcg of beta-carotene and 16706 IU of vitamin A. Studies have found that flavonoid compounds in carrots help protect from skin, lung and oral cavity cancers. Carotenes are converted in to vitamin A in the liver. Beta-carotene is the major carotene that is present in these roots. Beta carotene is one of the powerful natural anti-oxidant helps protect body from harmful fee radical injury.  In addition, it also has all the functions of vitamin A such as vision, reproduction (sperm production), maintenance of epithelial integrity, growth and development. Carrots are rich in poly-acetylene anti-oxidant falcarinol. Research study conducted by scientists at University of Newcastle on laboratory animals has found that falcarinol in carrots may help fight against cancers by destroying pre-cancerous cells in the tumors. Fresh roots are also good in vitamin C; provide about 9% of RDA. Vitamin C is water soluble anti-oxidant. It helps body maintain healthy connective tissue, teeth and gum. Its anti-oxidant property helps body protect from diseases and cancers by scavenging harmful free radicals. This root vegetable is especially contain good amounts of many B-complex group of vitamins such as folic acid, vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), thiamin, pantothenic acid, etc that acts as co-factors to enzymes during substrate metabolism in the body. It also has healthy levels of minerals like copper, calcium, potassium, manganese and phosphorus. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure by countering effects of sodium. Manganese is used by the body as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase. 

Spirulina: Spirulina is the common name given to a family of blue-green algae produced by a class of cyano-bacteria called “Arthospira”. It is abundant in both fresh and sea water. Spirulina benefits come mostly nowadays as a type of dietary supplement that comes from a type of microscopic alga, which is shaped like a spiral coil. Spirulina is cultivated from all around the world and is used as a dietary supplement as well as a whole food available in tablet, flake and powder form. One of the most important of all spirulina benefits is that it has an unusually high amount of protein, which is an almost complete protein that contains 18 of the 22 amino acids the body needs. It is of a superior quality when compared to plant protein. It is also rich with several different types of essential fatty acid, and contains Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin A and Vitamin E. It is also a source of such minerals as potassium, calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium (selenium benefits), sodium, and zinc. The most important and popular spirulina health benefit that comes with regular supplementation is undoubtedly weight loss. Spirulina weight loss has become quite a popular diet food; it is natural, it has all the major vitamins, amino acids and nutrients required by the human body and it has a very high protein content (60-70% of its body weight is pure protein). It is also free of carbohydrates and sugar. As a result, it acts as a potent appetite suppressant reducing body weight over time. Of course, if you are using spirulina weight loss as a magic pill remedy it will not work by itself but it should help you in diminishing your hunger while eating a completely natural food. It has also been shown to help correct anemia for undernourished children, it also be effective against melanosis and keratosis caused by chronic arsenic poisoning. Spirulina is also found to protect against hay fever, reduce inflammation caused by arthritis. Also, another one of the spirulina benefits is that it is a rare source of gamma-linoleic acid (GLA) which is otherwise only present in mother’s milk. This particular amino acid helps reduce bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. It also improves cardiovascular health in general. Spirulina is known to help contain the effects of type 2 diabetes. Regular Spirulina supplementation is known to lower blood sugar levels. It also improves the antioxidant potential in people, which decreases muscle breakdown and exhaustion after exercising and improves overall health. However despite all these benefits their are a few (mostly minor) spirulina side effects you might want to learn more about in my other post. However, the only real side effect you probably have to worry about is that spirulina also contains an amino acid called, phenylalanine, which should be avoided by people with phenylketonuria, a metabolic disorder, which prevents the body from metabolizing this particular amino acid, making it to build up in the brain causing damage. And although very rare it may sometimes contain a type of toxin called microcystins, which can cause liver diseases, including cancer. Unfortunately, as of yet no standard exists to regulate its safety, however as mentioned it is an extremely rare toxin, so as long as properly tested there is no need for an alarm. As you can see theirs definitely a lot of benefits linked to spirulina so it might be a supplement you want to add to your diet when looking for the best multivitamin that can compliment your eating habits!

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