

Simple RAW Mac ~N~ Cheese

By the time you all see this post, my house will be fresh out of Mac ~N~ Cheese! Yes, it's just that good!

  • Cheese shredder
  • Potato Peeler

It might also help to get:

Take your potato peeler and peel the green outer layer from the zucchini. Then proceed to shredding it. It will look like little fine pieces of shredded zucchini, like so...
I probably should have done a close up of the shredded zucchini to show you how it looks close up. It's not curled, but its still in thick small pieces and can mimic an uncurled macaroni noodle. 

Now, I realize this sounds crazy but sprinkle a little pinch of celtic sea salt on your pasta and massage it in. It doesn't need to be a deep tissue massage, just make sure the salt gets all around. *smile*

Next...add your Mac ~N~ Cheese Sauce.  Now you have a simple raw mac and cheese...
Again, I realize I should have gotten a close up to show you this and how gorgeous it is up close...I know...I know...I have to do better...but I'm getting there! But you see how you have Mac ~N~ Cheese now? mmmmm but wait! stop nibbling!!!! Now you have a couple of options

Option 1: If you want it to look and taste like "baked" mac and cheese, simply add some of that RAW Taco Meat, you remember we made that some time ago when we made raw taco's? Well don't worry, it won't turn this into a taco, but if you lightly sprinkle a tad bit on the top it will give it a "crust like" appearance and taste.


Option 2: Sit it in the dehydrator for about 20-30 mins to "un-bake" it. Doing this will help the cheese and pasta come together nicely like "real" mac and cheese and you're not baking the nutrients out. If you don't have a dehydrator, simply leave it on your counter at room temperature for an hour or longer if your zucchini was not at room temperature when shredding.

I hope you enjoy this as much as I did!

TIP: If you prefer a more traditional style noodle, you can always spiralize the zucchini with a spirulizer and then cut it into small pieces. It's not the perfect macaroni noodle look, but its a little closer than the shredded zucchini. I've tried them both and guess what? They both taste the same. *smile*


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