

Carrot Juice

Carrot Juice
  • 12-14 large organic carrots
  • 1-2 cups water (for blender use only)
Makes (about) 25-30 ozs.

Juice your carrots...and voila! Carrot Juice!

No juicer? No problem! Blend in your Vitamix. Then strain through a nut milk bag or a paint strainer bag...and pour in your storage container. For detailed instructions on making juice in the blender click here.

This carrot juice was really yummy. I made my juice in the blender and I tasted it before I strained it...I almost didn't strain it at all! Gotta love the vitamix., it really does the job!

(1) If making your juice in the blender, begin with adding only one cup of water, and add more water if the blender blades begin to stick.
(2) If you add too much water, no problem...just add more carrots.

Some Health Benefits 

Some Health Benefits of Carrots: 
  • Prevent heart diseases: In a study meant to reveal therapeutic value of carrots researchers at the Wolfson Gastrointestinal Laboratory in Edinburgh, Scotland revealed that cholesterol level reduces by 11 percent if seven ounces of raw carrots a day is taken for thee weeks. High cholesterol is a major factor for heart disease. Since regular consumption of carrots reduces cholesterol level it is good to prevent heart related problems. A group of Swedish scientists discovered that root vegetables can reduce the chances of having a heart attack. A study conducted at the Mario Negri Institute of Pharmacological Research in Italy found that those who ate more carrots had one third the risk of heart attack as compared with those who ate fewer carrots. 
  • Prevent cancer: Beta-carotene consumption has been linked to reduced risk of several cancers, notably lung cancer. British researchers discovered that increasing beta-carotene consumption from 1.7 to 2.7 milligrams a day reduced lung cancer risk more than 40 percent. The average carrot contains about three milligrams of Beta-carotene. In a study, researchers found that eating fiber rich carrots reduce the risk of colon cancer by as much as 24 percent. Another study shows that women who ate raw carrots were five to eight times less likely to develop breast cancer than women who did not eat carrots. 
  • Macular degeneration: This is a common eye disease of elderly. It impairs the macula. Researches found that people who ate the most Beta-carotene had a forty percent lower risk of macular degeneration compared with those who consumed the least. 
  • Improves eyesight: Deficiency of vitamin A can cause some difficulty seeing in dim light. Since carrot is rich in vitamin A it is good for improving eyesight. 
  • Stroke: A carrot a day reduces stroke risk by 68 percent. Many studies have strengthened the “carrot effect” on brain. Studies conducted on stroke patients revealed that those with highest levels of Beta carotene have the best survival rate. 
  • Diabetes: Carrot is good for blood sugar regulation because of the presence of carotenoids in carrot. Carotenoids inversely affect insulin resistance and thus lower blood sugar.


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