

DID YOU KNOW: Listening To Your Body

So you’re adapting a plant based diet…or maybe you’ve just started implementing juicing or smoothies into your diet…or maybe you just want to implement more fruits and veggies…or even just find healthier dessert options…whatever your situation is, listen to what your body tells you. I don’t know about you but I noticed right away, as soon as I started eating healthier that I could not do some things I once did. Namely going back to bad eating habits.

It’s amazing how intelligent our bodies are. My body told me immediately that once I gave up cheese, I could no longer go back to eating it. Believe me I tried! I would go out to dinner with friends and if they ordered appetizers with cheese, what did I do…I’d eat it! And with no regrets. If there was an excuse to taste the little bits of opium, puss-infested bits of goodness, I was all over it! But I would wake up the next morning sick! Sometimes, I would get sick the same day-hours later! My head would get congested. I would have a migraine that would be so problematic; I couldn’t even open my eyes. I would feel nauseated…stomach hurting. This happened to me a couple of times until the light bulb turned on...I noticed that it only happened when I went back to eating cheese. This was when a light bulb went off in my head. My body was rejecting the poisons from the cheese made from animals. This was further how I knew that being vegan was the right choice for me. The same thing happened when I tried to eat processed junk food. My body rejected the non-healthy sugars used in them.

Now maybe being vegan isn’t the right choice for you. Maybe you’re just implementing a few healthier practices and you’ve noticed a change in your body when you take in certain things. What I have to say to you is to listen to your body. Pay attention to what it is telling you. How do you do this? Be mindful of how your body reacts to something’s. A young lady on twitter started juicing a week and had a glass of wine at the end of the week and was completely tweaking out on her twitter feed. As hilarious as this was, she didn’t realize that she had gone from detoxing the impurities from her body to retoxing them right back in. The beauty in adapting healthier lifestyles is that our bodies always let us know what it prefers. Her body adapted so well to juicing that she got “buzzed” (as she called it) far too quickly from one glass of wine. That was simply the wine trying to infiltrate into healthy detoxed territory.

When we learn to listen to our bodies, we learn to accept that it knows what it needs. Our bodies can tell us everything we need to know, from the foods it prefers to the amount of exercise it wants and needs to function. We just have to listen. I’m listening to mine…are you listening to yours? Tell me, what has your body told you lately?

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