

WEEKLY FITNESS TIP: I Think I Plateaued!

So you've come to a point in your lifestyle change where you feel you're doing everything right and you just don't understand why you're not losing the weight? We've all been there, the best thing I can say (and I realize this is nothing you've never heard before) is to be patient with yourself. We've all been there.  I've literally gone through the pity parties because my body is not looking like a female body builder's when I know I work out and eat right...and have often worked out like a body builder. Again, we've all been there. Here's some things I've learned along the way, hope it helps you, as it helps me.

Love who you are. You've come a long way. Rome wasn't built in a day. I realize this may sound harsh but think about how long it took you to get your body to the point where you felt you needed to get fit. That didn't happen overnight, so we shouldn't expect to lose it all overnight. Appreciate where you are at. While it may not be where you want it to be, it's better than where you once were.

Evaluate Yourself. Think about why you haven't lost any additional pounds. I mean are you eating oreo's, fried foods and potato chips and thinking you're going to just shed the pounds? True story: When I first started working out, I would literally be at the gym every day for an hour or two. Then come home and have high fat foods. Why? Cause I just worked out and I EARNED IT! How silly of me to think I can continue to eat unhealthy foods and burn fat. When really, all I was doing was canceling out my entire work out! I'm not saying starve yourself, but get creative, find a healthier option of the foods you like. For me, I had to learn to reward myself in other ways...cause obviously food just wasn't going to cut it.

Mix up your routine. You may be doing everything fine and your body may be adapting well. If this is the case, it might just be time to mix up your exercise routine. Studies show that if you mix up your routine doing low to high to medium to low to high impact exercises (mixed up routines), you tend to burn more fat and keep it off! Or at least that's what Shaun T say's...Umm...I'll let you know in 60 days...

Take a break. I actually take a frequent break from the high impact work out routines and just walk or do yoga. Its still exercising and its good for me. But it gives my body a break while also allowing me to get use to doing "something" (working out) every day. Please Note: Taking a break does not mean veg out in front of the means do something relaxing, where you're still getting exercise. But its something that doesn't stress your body out.

Sleep. Are you getting enough sleep? Many don't realize how important sleep is. Aside from the obvious reasons: Harvard researchers indicate, "Several studies have linked insufficient sleep and weight gain. For example, studies have shown that people who habitually sleep less than six hours per night are much more likely to have a higher than average body mass index (BMI) and that people who sleep eight hours have the lowest BMI. Sleep is now being seen as a potential risk factor for obesity along with the two most commonly identified risk factors: lack of exercise and overeating. Research into the mechanisms involved in regulating metabolism and appetite are beginning to explain what the connection between sleep and obesity might be."


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