


It’s early Friday afternoon and I’m home alone watching “Bee Movie.” While watching this animated children’s movie, at first I thought it was just a cute little movie to teach children about Bee’s. And it totally was! What I didn’t expect was for it to be as morally conscientious as it was. It moved me in such an unexpected way.

Moment of Clarity: It’s funny how some mainstream pop-culture tools are used in an innovative way to teach our children simple moral values.

If you haven’t seen this movie, you absolutely must! Here’s a trailer clip for you to preview before renting it:

It was brought to our attention in 2006 that there is a rapid loss of Bee’s. Bees are an endangered species. Now we all know by the time such epidemics get on the nationally syndicated news programs, it’s usually already a bit too late.  The harsh reality is, Bee’s have slowly been dying off for quite sometime before 2006.  And why…

I may not have all the answers to this question, but I do know of one answer. Pesticides. Since farmers shifted to using pesticides, a crop duster spray that is used to poison and kill bugs and pests that would nibble on various crops, there has been a slow increased rate of Bee loss; which has recently escalated to the rapid Bee loss.  Aside of the many dangers of Pesticides, they are also contributing to killing our Bee’s.

Now I’m sure some of you are wondering why does this matter?  And some of you probably could care less because, at the end of the day, it’s an insect, and with so many other seemingly bigger things going on in the world, why should you waste your time with this issue? In short, here’s why…

Bees are very important for various reasons. Aside from the fact that they create honey, 1/3 of the food we eat and put into our mouths is because of what bee’s do. Did you know that of the 100 most used crops, Bee’s pollenate 70 of them? Therefore, by these calculations if Bee’s die off, well…what are we going to eat?

“If the bee disappears from the surface of the earth, man would have no more than four years to live. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man!”~Albert Einstein

I know some of you do agree that this is terrible, but just don't know what you can do about it. Sometimes these things can seem so much bigger than us and it can get so overly cumbersome that we feel helpless, like there’s nothing we can do. After giving it some thought, here are five simple things we all can do: 
  1. Purchase raw organic honey. (The raw organic commercial beekeepers will not use pesticides. Thus, every item you buy from them to keep them in business helps to regenerate the life of a bee. Besides, it’s healthier for you anyway.) 
  2. Buy organic fruits and vegetables, as much as you can afford to, and from local farmers if possible. (Again, as stated above, pesticides won’t be used and you’ll help keep these earth friendly farmers in business.) 
  3. Create natural habitat gardens, or get involved in a community garden. (Invite the Bee’s into your community; by doing this, you’re really doing a greater good not just for Bee’s, but the air and your overall health.)
  4.  Plant “Bee friendly” plants. (Invite the Bee’s over for a little snack.)
  5.  Don’t use insecticides. (I think this one’s self explanatory.)

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