When I initially implemented live vibrational foods into my lifestyle, I kept hearing the term “superfood.” Rather ignorantly I just presumed that all fruits and vegetables in the produce section were superfoods. Unbeknownst to me, there was a conglomerate of ancient superfoods that have been brought back to the surface by vegans and more specifically, raw vegans. It was like an entire world existed that I was completely oblivious to. So I thought I’d share this information, because I know I’m not the only one who didn’t know these things.
For those of you who don’t know, Superfood is a term sometimes used to describe food with high phytonutrient content that may confer health benefits as a result. These Phytonutrients are known in the plant based diet world as having “super healing” powers. These super healing powers have been known to cure illnesses ranging from the common cold to diabetes to cancer and even HIV/AIDS! (Although, I personally believe, these superfoods must be implemented within and in conjunction with a fully 100% live food diet, which is said to alkalize your body to the point of purity.)
If you think superfoods won’t do you any good because you don’t have any illness, you’re sadly mistaken. Many people who have a live vibrational food lifestyle don’t have these illnesses, or any illnesses for that matter. Many contribute that reason to their diet and lifestyle, which consists heavily of the implementation of these superfoods.
I’m sure you’re thinking, as I did, that all fruits and vegetables are super foods. Many are, and that’s why I won’t bother with going into the basic foods in your average produce section of the grocery store. Listed below are 8 ancient superfoods that many may have seen or heard of but don’t quite know what it’s nutritional value is or what it’s useful for.
- Raw Cacao: Cacao, to the Aztecs, was considered the food of the gods. These beans are the basic ingredients of chocolate. Recent research has suggested dark chocolate offers some health benefits. Raw cacao beans are rich in antioxidants, which lower the free radicals that can alter or damage the body. According to Good Cause Wellness, the beans provide some iron and calcium, but are particularly rich in magnesium. There are 76 milligrams of magnesium per one ounce serving, or 272 milligrams per 100 grams of the beans.
- Chia: The chia seed is a superfood that has twice the protein of any other seed or grain and five times the calcium of milk. They contain boron, which is a trace mineral that helps with the absorption of calcium. Chia seeds are also a great source for essential fatty acids, Omega 3 and Omega 6. This power packed seed is said to contribute to healing diabetes.
- Coconut Oil: Coconut Oil is one of my favorite things, because it is multifunctional. The health benefits of coconut oil include hair care, skin care, stress relief, maintaining cholesterol levels, weight loss, increased immunity, proper digestion and metabolism, relief from kidney problems, heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, HIV and cancer, dental care, and bone strength. These benefits of coconut oil can be attributed to the presence of lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid, and its properties such as antimicrobial, antioxidant, antifungal, antibacterial, soothing, etc. Whether you’re cooking or making raw foods, this oil can be used. I even use it in my smoothies from time to time. It’s a staple in my house. (I’m sure I’ll dedicate a full article on the benefits of coconut oil in the future…stay tuned.)
- Goji Berries: These delicious berries are LOADED with nutrients. Goji Berries have all 18 Amino Acids (including isoleucine and tryptophan), more Beta Carotene than carrots, 21 Trace Minerals, more Iron than spinach and 500 times more Vitamin C by weight than oranges. Goji Berries are one of the highest antioxidant containing fruits in the world, typically containing 2-4 times the amount found in blueberries. Goji berries are an excellent source of trace minerals, such as zinc, iron, copper, calcium and phosphorous, as well as vitamins B1, B2, B6 and E. While fortifying the immune system and helping to stimulate the body to produce more natural Human Growth Hormone, studies with elderly people have shown that these powerful berries can decrease the signs of aging, increase the function of T cells and white cell interleukin-2 while uplifting mood, increasing optimism, improving appetite and encouraging better sleep patterns.
- Hemp: Hemp seeds are a great source for protein provides a host of vitamins and minerals that your body needs to survive. It is rich in the antioxidant zinc and the electrolyte magnesium. It also contains some potassium, which is lost in sweat and iron, which your body uses to carry oxygen in the blood. Hemp protein provides 20 amino acids -- the building blocks of protein -- including the 10 essential amino acids that your body can't produce itself. Hemp is one of my favorite all natural protein supplements because unlike whey, it digests immediately while burning fat, and does not turn into fat.
- Maca: Maca (Lepidium meyenii) is a root plant consumed as a food and for medicinal purposes. Maca is also known as "Peruvian ginseng" (despite the fact that it is not a member of the ginseng family), because it is used as a folk remedy to increase stamina, energy, and sexual function. It is typically taken as a pill, liquid extract or as powder. Long used to enhance energy and boost stamina, maca is often touted as an aphrodisiac and a natural means of improving sexual performance and fertility. Although few scientific studies have tested maca's medicinal effects, some research suggests that maca may offer certain health benefits such as: fatigue, infertility, symptoms of menopause, sexual dysfunction in women, sexual dysfunction in men (including erectile dysfunction).
- Matcha Green Tea: Green Tea contains a high amount of antioxidants (chemical compounds known to forestall aging). Antioxidants are found in many fruits and vegetables – even chocolate. A testing method known as ORAC – short for oxygen radical absorbance capacity, evaluates the antioxidant levels found in food. According to research done by Tufts University, the ORAC capacity of matcha green tea is exponentially higher than other foods known for their high antioxidants levels such as blueberries and spinach. There are many types of antioxidants, however, the class known as catechins are only found in green tea, and these maybe the most potent of all. Of the catechins, EGCg (epicgallocatechin gallate) is the catechin with broadest and most potent cancer-fighting properties. Sixty percent of the catechin content of matcha tea is EGCg. Green tea is also rich in Chlorophyll, (a detoxifying agent) and Theanine, which improves mood and concentration. While this superfood is naturally caffeinated, it’s a healthier form of caffeine than in other beverages and is good for your body.
- Nutritional Yeast: Nutritional Yeast has been around for over 5,000 years and has been that hidden gem of a superfood. It has about 14 grams of protein per ounce. But my favorite thing about Nutritional Yeast is that it is one of the best sources for B12. Nutritional yeast's yellow color comes from the B vitamin riboflavin. Nutritional yeast is rich in B-complex vitamins, making it a vital supplement for those who are not receiving their B vitamins from other sources. Many brands of nutritional yeast also contain vitamin B12, which is essential for red blood cell production. B12 maintains the myelin sheath that insulates nerve cells, making it a vital part of normal nerve function. B12 can be found in many animal products like fish, seafood and dairy. Vegetarians and vegans are eating less than the recommended levels of B12 for adults, according to Harvard Health Publications. Nutritional Yeast is also high in fiber and low in sodium and has the greatest cheesy flavor. I’ve personally got over my animal cheese addiction simply by implementing this superfood into my diet.
Now clearly there are more than the above-mentioned 8 Super foods. However, these are the 8 I chose to highlight that I felt many being introduced to this healthy lifestyle don't know a whole lot about. I remember when I was first implementing healthier methods into my lifestyle, I was shocked to learn about many of these above-mentioned superfoods. Hope you enjoyed this piece as much as I enjoyed sharing it with you.
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